1993 Honda prelude vtec

Discussion in 'Prelude' started by cocococo1, Jun 20, 2005.

  1. cocococo1

    cocococo1 Guest

    I have had the car standing for a couple of weeks and have been trying to
    get it started to use it and I have no fuel pressure at all.

    Spark present but no fuel at all.Possible fuel shut off relay but not sure
    where it is or which relay as all wriiten in Japanese.

    Any help please.
    cocococo1, Jun 20, 2005
  2. cocococo1

    motsco_ _ Guest


    If you've disconnected the fuel line and are sure there's no fuel
    pressure, put the key in position II, and smack the dash on the left
    side of the steering wheel. You'll hear the fuel pump run. Is it fairly
    WARM where you are?

    If you haven't proven (conclusively) that there's no fuel pressure, hold
    the pedal to the floor and crank the starter for up to fifteen seconds.
    It's way more likely that your engine is flooded. Your owner's manual
    says that a flooded engine can started that way. Your fuel relay won't
    fail by itself while "standing for a couple weeks", but your leaking
    injector can drain all the pressure out of the fuel rail and flood the
    engine. It can happen overnight too. It happened to my Odyssey. I ran
    two tanks of Gasohol thru it and it never happened again.

    motsco_ _, Jun 21, 2005
  3. cocococo1

    cocococo1 Guest

    I have tested my main relay and it seems as though all is well, ae there
    fuses covering the supply to this unit and if so does any one know where
    they are on this model.

    Many thanks
    cocococo1, Jun 23, 2005
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