1994 Honda Accord Speedometer probl (cont'd)

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Jerry, Apr 23, 2004.

  1. Jerry

    Jerry Guest

    here's more information - She says the speedometer (and odometer) just start
    working while she's driving. When and if it starts working, it continues to
    work for as long as she drives the car. However if she turns the car off
    and then back on - it no longer works. Do those symptoms bring anyting to
    mind? Does it sound like a $370 problem?


    Jerry, Apr 23, 2004
  2. Jerry

    TecH Guest

    This problem sounds pretty familiar to me...Had the same symptom with my
    1995 civic cx.I inquired in the group about the problem and i got told to
    change VSS(vehicule speed sensor)witch is a 160$ parts here in
    Ottawa,Ontario,Canada.After looking at the VSS in question i found out that
    the plug that goes to the VSS is loose on it,no more clamp to hold it in
    place...I put electrical grease in the connector and put a bit of epoxy to
    keep the plug in place and it now work like new.I suggest you check that
    connection before buying a expensive electrical part(VSS) that you wont be
    able to return.
    Good luck!!!
    TecH, Apr 24, 2004
  3. Jerry

    Honda Doc Guest

    If the check engine light comes on when the speedo is inop, it's a bad speed
    sensor at the trans. If the check engine light does not come on, it's a bad
    speedo head (fairly common for '94, '95 Accords).
    Honda Doc, Apr 25, 2004
  4. Jerry

    TecH Guest

    My check engine light did turn on most of the times...when the speedo stop
    working(or soon after).I put conductive grease on the plug(VSS)on the tranny
    it seems fine for now.No more check engine light either.
    TecH, Apr 25, 2004
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