1994 Honda Civic Stumbling

Discussion in 'Civic' started by jrlomas, Mar 19, 2006.

  1. jrlomas

    Alan Guest

    I had an old K car that would misfire under a load. I would briefly
    test it by one foot on the brake and the other on the gas. The culprit
    was a bad or weak coil.
    Alan, Mar 22, 2006
  2. jrlomas

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Considering that Honda/Acura autos are known for failing ignition
    coils,this would be a good place to start.
    Jim Yanik, Mar 22, 2006
  3. jrlomas

    Mike Doyle Guest

    Elle wrote:

    ........A bad O2 sensor will not necessarily set off a CEL on a
    1994 Honda (pre-OBD2). Since the problem occurs after
    warmup, that makes me especially suspicious of the O2
    sensor. https://www.automedicsupply.com/ has the best
    prices I've seen for OEM O2 sensors: About $69 altogether. I
    have used them. Good, prompt service. Maybe not a bad
    investment for a car this old.

    Elle, I went to this site, & an O2 sensor for my 94 VX is $289.99.
    Before I spend this much money, what symptoms would I be

    ......Purge cooling system thoroughly of air. Follow the
    manual's instructions. Getting the fan to come on may take
    as much as 40 minutes of idling. If various ECM sensors
    aren't cooled properly, then this may cause erratic

    I'm following the manual for a 92 Civic, & reference a 95 PDF
    which is identical. I've pulled & cleaned the reservoir, then
    replaced. It appears the radiator drain plug turns counter
    clockwise. Any hints on how to get it to move without breaking

    I started the car, put the heater temp control lever to max heat, then
    shut off the engine. No mention of whether or not to have the fan
    running while I purge the system. Any ideas? I'll top up the
    fluid today, then once I can get the drain plug to move, do a complete

    I've tried bleeding before, but had the cap completely off. Manual says
    to put it on to the 1st stop. I was still getting the erratic idle at a
    with this approach.
    Mike Doyle, Apr 9, 2006
  4. jrlomas

    Elle Guest

    Oops, sorry. The 94 Sensors seem to be far less for any
    Civic that is not a VX.

    Still, this price beats www.hondaautomotiveparts.com , at
    $340 + s/h.
    If after performing a tuneup (new plugs, possibly new
    ignition wires, new distributor cap and rotor, new air
    filter, new fuel filter, check timing), the stumbling and/or
    poor gas mileage continues, I would consider a new O2
    Yes it does. The usual rightie-tightie lefty-loosy threads.
    IIRC sometimes it's very tight. I have used a pair of pliers
    on its end to get a good grip.

    Might be a good idea to buy a spare from your dealer in
    advance in case it does break. Though I haven't heard of one
    Leave the passenger car fan off.
    I would perform (and do perform) the bleed with the cap
    completely off. I too noticed a similar discrepancy between
    what's in my Chilton's manual and what's in my owner's
    manual for this procedure. I see the service manuals at the
    site below say to leave the cap completely off for the CRX.
    (I think the Concerto manual has a typ-o on this point.)

    It makes more sense to me to have the system under the
    lowest pressure possible so as to encourage air to escape
    Try the Concerto manual at
    http://www.honda.co.uk/car/owner/workshop.html, under "Fuel
    and Emissions" then under "Idle control system," for other
    things to check, especially the Electronic Air Control
    Valve. This group gets a few reports of this failing every
    year (assuming the air purge above doesn't fix the problem).

    Can you clarify: Is the car both stumbling while
    accelerating and has an erratic idle?
    Elle, Apr 9, 2006
  5. jrlomas

    Elle Guest

    I meant the "passenger compartment blower" should be left
    Elle, Apr 9, 2006
  6. jrlomas

    Mike Doyle Guest

    Elle wrote:
    ...... Can you clarify: Is the car both stumbling while
    accelerating and has an erratic idle?

    Acceleration is fine for a VX. It's sitting at a light, or
    stop sign with all accessories off. The car doesn't die,
    but the idle tends to drop low enough that I think it
    will. Turning the fan on to it's lowest setting stops this,
    but thats just masking the problem.

    I bought it in August. So far, I've replaced the plugs &
    wires with OE. Put on an after market fuel filter. Honda
    dealer replaced the timing belt & water pump. I've
    added an after market cruise control. Not sure if it would
    cause any trouble. I've had them on all my other 3 Civics.
    Just passed 200K on a trip to Texas. 40+ MPG since I
    bought it.

    I went ahead & replaced the Antifreeze today. Careful
    use of some water pump pliers loosened the drain valve.
    I'll keep a close watch on the overflow reservoir this week.
    30+ miles each way to work, so hopefully any remaining
    air will be purged.
    Mike Doyle, Apr 10, 2006
  7. jrlomas

    Elle Guest

    This doesn't sound like the oxygen sensor.

    It is worth checking the ignition coil, especially if this
    occurs after the engine is warmed up, like after 20 minutes
    of driving. An older ignition coil will be persnickety at
    idle, especially at warmup. Ultimately it will fail

    See info on checks you can do on the coil at
    I would replace the cap and rotor, too.

    Put on an after market fuel filter. Honda
    I'm not sure that's the same as getting the car temp up high
    enough to get the fan to come on twice, with the rad cap

    I changed my 91 Civic's thermostat in March 04 and did not
    do a proper purge. I started having idle problems around
    July or so. I found the cooling lines to the EACV empty. It
    seems to be a high spot. A proper purge fixed the problem.
    Elle, Apr 10, 2006
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