1994 Prelude Si - questions

Discussion in 'Prelude' started by Skydog1, Jun 25, 2003.

  1. Skydog1

    Skydog1 Guest

    I have just bought a 1994 Prelude Si, and I have a couple of questions
    - there was no user manual with the car:

    Can anyone explain how to use the radio features? There's quite a few
    buttons on the radio which don't mean much to me. There's a schematic
    diagram of the car with parts highlighted when you change the
    settings, so I presume that is various sound schemes, but some of the
    others are mysterious, like the 'Se' button.

    There is a 'Memory' button on the lower right of the drivers seat. How
    does it work?

    The aerial makes a bucketload of noise when you stop or start the car
    and it extends or retracts. Does anyone know if this is normal, or if
    there's an easy way of fixing it?

    Is a CD player supposed to be standard with the car? There are CD
    controls on the radio, but no CD. I'm wondering if there was supposed
    to be a player. There is also a little controller, probably for a CD
    stacker that was once in the boot.

    Thanks in advance.
    Skydog1, Jun 25, 2003
  2. Skydog1

    J. Guest

    Based on the '90 and '99 Preludes, here's some info after each question:

    -Sorry, no help here since each generation was different.

    -Pressing it should store the seat back angle. If the seat is flipped
    forward (for those tiny folks in the back seat), then pushing the seatback
    upright should go back to the memorized position.

    - Usually it's the nylon drive cable attached to the bottom of the automatic
    antenna. You can try taking the antenna out, cleaning the cable, lightly
    lubricating and reinstalling it. Sometimes just loosening and tightening
    the nut on top of the fender can help realign the cable. Best to have 2
    people do this - one to turn on the radio as the other pulls out the
    extending antenna. Then, reversing the procedure to reinstall. If I
    remember correctly, the drive cable teeth are towards the rear of the car,
    but check it as it comes out! I wound up replacing mine on the 90 Prelude -
    one of the US dealer websites had it for around US$30.00, I think. One
    could probably replace the entire motor/antenna with an aftermarket unit for
    around that price, but Honda tucked it behind a support rail with miserable
    access even after taking out the boot/trunk liner.

    -Generally, that era radio had built in controls for an optional CD changer.
    Sounds like the previous owner had an aftermarket changer.
    Hope this helps some.
    J., Jun 26, 2003
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