1995 Accord V6 valve cover seal change

Discussion in 'Accord' started by siebelizer, Nov 5, 2003.

  1. siebelizer

    siebelizer Guest

    I'm new to this board, so please be patient with me. My wife has a
    1995 Accord V6. She got her oil changed at Sears auto center, and
    immediately after this the car started leaking oil. She brought it
    back once or twice, but they said they didn't cause the leak,
    whatever. She brings it into the dealer, who fixes the ignition coil
    for free as a part of another problem. They said there is a 'leak in
    the engine head side covers, needs new seals'. The parts are $28, but
    there is 3 hours labor, $230.00. OK, here's my question: are the
    engine head side covers the same as the side valve covers ? If so, why
    would it take 3 hours to change the seals on these? It doesn't look
    like that much of a job, can anyone who has done this job comment?
    Like are the bolts on the cover that faces the firewall impossible to
    get to? Thanks...
    siebelizer, Nov 5, 2003
  2. siebelizer

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    Well that's because the dealer is trying to charge you as much money as they
    thing they can get. The gaskets for the side covers LIST at about 10 bucks
    a piece, and if you buy them online you get them for about 7 bucks each.
    It's a pretty easy job (although I'm speaking from doing this a couple of
    times on 89 acura legends which have the same basic engine). Definitely not
    worth 230. I'd find another place to take my car.
    Jafir Elkurd, Nov 5, 2003
  3. The website below shows a picture of a `95 head just like any other
    ordinary Honda. You are being had. Like someone said, take the labor
    eleswhere but do buy the seal set from the Honda only. Other seal
    manufacturers may fail on you.
    There's only one cover called cylinder head cover.
    I do it in 10 minutes.

    Ricky Spartacus, Nov 8, 2003
  4. http://www.hondaautomotiveparts.com/auto/jsp/mws/prddisplay.jsp?inputstate=5&catcgry1=Accord&catcgry2=1995&catcgry3=4DR+EX+V-6&catcgry4=KA4AT&catcgry5=CYLINDER+HEAD+COVER+%28V6%29

    It's not any other ordinary Honda.

    Yeah, but you'd only change half of them. Is there much more stuff in the
    way on the six?
    Stephen Bigelow, Nov 8, 2003
  5. Sorry for the mixup. Here's the correct V6 gasket below. Appears like
    ordinary twin cams. Legends twin cams I can do in 40 min with only
    hoses, cables and a few others in the way, if I remember.


    Ricky Spartacus, Nov 8, 2003
  6. siebelizer

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    I think he is talking about the side cover gaskets...


    Number 10...
    Jafir Elkurd, Nov 9, 2003
  7. siebelizer

    siebelizer Guest

    Thanks for the responses! Well yes I think I'm talking about the side
    cover gaskets, but I'm not sure, since the dealer called them engine
    head side covers. I haven't been able to see for sure where the leak
    is coming from, I know it's not the drain plug and I am pretty sure
    it's not the filter. There is gunk beneath both side valve covers,
    but haven't pin-pointed a drip. Looking at the Haynes book for this
    model engine, the description for changing the gaskets seems fairly
    easy, although I would have to buy a torque wrench to do things
    'right'. I can't see much in the way of the bolts on these covers, so
    why 3 hours of labor ? I will probably call and ask them, it's just
    not making sense.
    siebelizer, Nov 11, 2003
  8. Thanks for the corrections, folks! By the look of the side covers and
    never changed one, the bottom portion of the seals appear to sit on
    the way of oil forced by gravity. A clog in the crankcase vent system
    or changing oil, for example, could increase the leak. Not familiar
    with the engine configuration, but if one of the side covers is on the
    firewall side, it may be hard to get to. Working at a normal pace
    would probably account to about two hrs on average.(IMO)
    Ricky Spartacus, Nov 11, 2003
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