1995 Honda Accord - Starting?

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Tres, Jun 2, 2004.

  1. Tres

    Tres Guest

    Today after driving my car for about 40 minutes, I stopped and went to
    class. I came back an hour and a half later, and when I tried to start the
    car, it didn't work at all. No clicks at all. The lights all came on in the
    car, no dimming, nothing.

    A friend came by and thought we should try to jump the car, so we did - the
    car started up right away. It has been a couple hours and the car is
    starting up fine since. She said something about some dash board wiring was
    the problem in her car, and that the whole dash needed to be replaced -
    something I am skeptical about (her car was a 97 Accord, btw).

    Anyways, I drove the car back about 40 minutes home (after repeated reliable
    starts within about an hour span), straight to the local Kragen there their
    tests showed that both the battery AND the starter is good. If the
    alternator were bad, I wouldn't have lasted back in a 40 minute drive (in
    stop and go traffic), with the radio running, right? Also, if the alternator
    were bad, a 40 minute drive wouldn't reveal the battery were fine... And if
    the battery were dead, I wouldn't expect it would pass the tests, either...

    I had my starter replaced about 9 months ago, and the battery replaced
    within a 2 month radius of that.

    Any suggestions?

    Tres, Jun 2, 2004
  2. Tres

    Mr. Grinch Guest

    I'd look at some of the simpler things first... bad battery cable, loose
    battery contact, and corrosion in those areas.
    Mr. Grinch, Jun 3, 2004
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