1996 Honda Civic idling problem

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Devils Advocate, Apr 6, 2006.

  1. 3 dr 5 sp

    Runs good, but just have driving for about 5 mins and the car get warm, the
    car idles up down, up down, up down and up down......keeps going like this.

    What could this be?
    Devils Advocate, Apr 6, 2006

  2. ---------------------------------

    Start by filling the coolant reservoir to the MAX level and check it
    each time the engine is cool. You'll probably find it will sip some to
    displace air in the system. Tap water is called Hondacide. Use Honda
    premix. It's foolproof, and you won't be using much.

    'Curly Q. Links', Apr 6, 2006
  3. The coolant is full to the max and now not dropped an inch.
    Devils Advocate, Apr 6, 2006
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