1996 Honda Odyssey

Discussion in 'Odyssey' started by Jeff, Aug 16, 2004.

  1. Jeff

    Jeff Guest

    I have a 96 Odyssey, a month or so ago the timing belt broke and blew
    the motor. I purchased a used motor with 87K miles on it from a
    salvage company with a two year warranty. The problem is that the #2
    cylinder spark plug keeps fowling out and getting smashed there is no
    gap left at all. Is there anything that can cause this other than
    debis in the cylinder itself? I've just spent a lot of money on this
    engine and now and if I do have to have it replaced I'm going to have
    to pay for a mechanic to install a new engine when I just finished
    paying for it! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    Jeff, Aug 16, 2004
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