1996 Honda

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Oradba Linux, Nov 18, 2004.

  1. Oradba Linux

    Oradba Linux Guest

    I have been having problems with my Air conditioner in 1996 honda accord. Is
    this problem similar in other honda vehicles.
    I am thinking about getting a honda pilot. Does this also have similar air
    conditioner problems.
    Toyota seems to have better ac than Hondas ?
    Oradba Linux, Nov 18, 2004
  2. Oradba Linux

    Brian Smith Guest

    What type of problem?
    Hard to say when we don't know what problem.
    See above two responses.
    In what way? Or was that a statement rather than a question?
    Brian Smith, Nov 18, 2004
  3. Oradba Linux

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Pretty vague. What do you consider a 'problem' when it comes to AC? We
    can't read your mind from here . . too much psychic static due to
    sunspot activity . . . OVER.

    motsco_ _, Nov 18, 2004
  4. Oradba Linux

    Oradba Linux Guest

    Problem with Honda ACs is does not cool very fast when compared with
    Also i have spent $400 to fix it once and it broke again. I think it is a
    routine problem with other
    Hondas. It is some kind of leak.
    Oradba Linux, Nov 19, 2004
  5. Oradba Linux

    Brian Smith Guest

    Since the replacement of freon as the refrigerant in the mid 90's, all (or
    certainly the majority of) A/C units don't cool fast compared to the freon
    charged units. I've owned a lot of Honda vehicles over the years and I have
    not experienced any problems with the A/C units in any of them.
    Brian Smith, Nov 19, 2004
  6. Oradba Linux

    Net-Doctor Guest

    There was a chronic failure of a seal in earlier Accords that may have
    included that car. My dealer fixed mine well past the warranty period, and
    yours may also. Mine was a '94.
    Also, make sure your circulation selector switch/button is set to
    recirculate inside air, and not set to let outside air in. A/C dehumidifies
    as well as cools and it couldn't keep up in that effort if you are trying to
    cool and dehumidify outside air. Voice of personal experience with 5
    Net-Doctor, Nov 22, 2004
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