1997 Honda Accord EX stalled on street - ignitor and distrabutor problem

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Kathy Wang, Jul 25, 2003.

  1. Kathy Wang

    Kathy Wang Guest

    My car suddenly behaved strangly this week. It stalled when the speed
    was low. And every time when the auto transmission changed gear, the
    rotation of engin dropped sharply, then went up.

    Yesterday, the car was totally down. I had it towed to a nearby
    garage. I got a call today and was told the ignitor or module(are they
    same?) and distrabutor hose(?house?)need to change. It will cost over
    $800. I bought my car from a friend who left US after put 20,000 miles
    on the car. The car was in my garage for a year before he finally
    decided to sell it to me. It has only 40,000 miles on it.

    Any expert here can help me to figure what's caused the problem? Does
    the cost and fix make sense? Thanks a lot.

    A poor owner who need to walk this whole weekend:-(
    Kathy Wang, Jul 25, 2003
  2. Is this a V6 or not? Is this a Honda specialist independent place or a
    Honda dealer? The symptom you got is not impossible for a bad ignitor but
    not really typical either - they usually go completely dead all of a
    sudden. You need to ask:

    1) Are they quoting parts prices based on Honda OEM parts? Check the parts
    prices here: <www.hondaautomotiveparts.com>.

    2) Why does the distributor housing need relaced? AFAIK your car came with
    a Hitachi distributor and I don't *think* I've read here that there's been
    problems with them.

    For the V6, the distributor housing can be purchased separately ($281.58)
    or with all its parts ($614.91) including ignitor. The ignitor is listed
    at $200.25. You need to find out what they are actually proposing to buy
    and replace and how much labor in hours is involved. Even if they use a
    complete Honda OEM distributor and charge an hour for diagnosis, their cost
    seems very high. If they are going to replace the distributor and ignitor
    as parts, it's extortion.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jul 27, 2003
  3. Kathy Wang

    Kathy Wang Guest

    George and Sickend,

    Thank you both for your replies. I was so busy last week to check
    here. I finally got my car back yesterday. This is a very unpleasant
    experience to me.

    My car first stalled several times in front of red light when speed
    dropped below 20 mph. And the rotation dropped to almost zero before
    went up when changed gear. But the car could be re-started. I sent it
    to Honda dealer first to have a routine maintanance. And it come back
    better but the guy at dealer suggested me to change ignitor (or part
    of it) for $330. Because the car ran ok that day ( very strange), I
    drove it back home. Then it stalled and couldn't even start the second
    day. I called AAA and the tow truck driver suggested me this auto shop
    which I found out later belongs to the same owner of the tow trcuk

    It costs me $40 to diagnose the problem. Then it took two to three
    days to get the parts from Honda. Then they called me said they lost
    my car key! I couldn't believe it! I sent my other key to the shop. At
    the time, I was so tired of asking others to sending and picking me up
    here and there. I viewed the parts. It's a whole piece including all
    parts except the dictrabutor cap and motor. Cost $500. The guy said
    that it's better to change the whole piece instead of just the
    ignition coil and module (part $100+$200). The labor was $160 for two
    hours(and I don't understand why took them so long, just a few
    screws). The total is over $750 includes tax and environment

    I finally got my car after a week. It runs great now. The problem is
    gone. But I will never, ever go to this garage. Just don't know what I
    should do with the lost key.

    Thanks again for both your replies. Now I understand my car better.

    Kathy Wang, Jul 31, 2003
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