1997 Honda Accord SE factory alarm

Discussion in 'Accord' started by jrock_at_rons, Dec 19, 2003.

  1. I have a 1997 Honda Accord SE that came with a factory installed alarm. Recently the alarm has been going off for no reason at all (very annoying). I brought it in to my dealer last year for the same problem and they couldn't find the problem. Does anyone know of a simple way to disable the alarm?? I don't live in a very dangerous place where the alarm is needed. Thanks.

    jrock_at_rons, Dec 19, 2003
  2. jrock_at_rons

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    You could try messing with the hood switch.... make it think the hood is
    always open and hopefully keep it from arming.

    But I doubt it is going off for no reason.... you could have a bad door lock
    actuator or switch causing the system to think the door was unlocked or

    Recently the alarm has been going off for no reason at all (very annoying).
    I brought it in to my dealer last year for the same problem and they
    couldn't find the problem. Does anyone know of a simple way to disable the
    alarm?? I don't live in a very dangerous place where the alarm is needed.
    Jafir Elkurd, Dec 19, 2003
  3. jrock_at_rons

    M.C. Tee Guest

    also could could be a faulty hood or trunk switch
    M.C. Tee, Dec 19, 2003
  4. Recently the alarm has been going off for no reason at all (very
    annoying). I brought it in to my dealer last year for the same problem
    and they couldn't find the problem. Does anyone know of a simple way to
    disable the alarm?? I don't live in a very dangerous place where the
    alarm is needed. Thanks.
    Under the hood--look for the fuse box. Check the labels under the lid and
    look for a fuse--it's a fairly big one--that is labelled alarm or
    something like that. Remove the fuse. That should disable the alarm.
    Bill B. Johnson, Dec 19, 2003
  5. jrock_at_rons

    marcel Guest

    try lockin the car with the key
    if it has an infrared interior alarm that part will be switched off

    marcel, Dec 26, 2003
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