1997 Honda Accord trasmission problem

Discussion in 'Accord' started by razvan2000, Mar 7, 2005.

  1. razvan2000

    razvan2000 Guest

    Hello ,
    I am new here so i will try to be as clear as possible . I just got a
    honda accord as a present from my aunt . I dont know if its a real
    problem . When i drive slow as if in slow moving traffic , and the car
    shifts from 1st to 2nd and 2nd to 3rd and every time it shifts feels
    like when the car is being accelarated and it shits fast althought you
    only moving at 20 mph . When moving slow it shifts at 2700 rpm from
    2nd to 3rd and when it does it give a hard pull like someone hit you
    from behind .
    Please advsie

    Thank you
    razvan2000, Mar 7, 2005
  2. razvan2000

    motsco_ _ Guest


    I'm sure you meant to say it 'shiFts fast' :)

    Honda trannies are not like most trannies, and have the odd habit of
    slamming into a gear if you step on the gas while slowing to a stop.
    Since you don't know all the service history, somebody may have put
    non-Honda fluid in the tranny. (we don't know your mileage, BTW) It will
    shift like a slamming door. Change it yourself (3-4 quarts), drive it a
    few days, and do it again. Use only Honda Z1 ATF.

    motsco_ _, Mar 7, 2005
  3. razvan2000

    razvan2000 Guest

    it has 99k miles . It doesnt slam when i step on gas while slowin . It
    slams both way . If i start from 0 mph shits ok from 1st into 2nd but
    to shift into 3rd gear it takes the engine to rev up to 2700 rpms then
    it slams into 3rd . You could hear the engine is not normal to rev up
    that high to change . I have dirven lots of cars and none was acting
    this way .I just come back from 2 mechanics . One said everything is
    fine an a motor mount could cause that push and the second claims that
    it is some sort of pump within the transmission and is loosing presure
    and to fix would be arounf $1,300 . I am lost .
    razvan2000, Mar 7, 2005
  4. razvan2000

    motsco_ _ Guest

    Whatever you do, changing the ATF is a great idea for a vehicle of
    unknown history. You can even take 4 quarts to MonkeyLube (or just book
    it into Honda) and get them to change it. Ask them to show you the
    magnetic drain plug BEFORE they wipe it off thoroughly. I like to let it
    drain for several minutes, then start it and throw it into drive for ten
    seconds to pump out a bunch more.

    It should be changed twice to get the majority of the old stuff out. The
    second change will tell you a lot because the drain plug will show how
    much more stuff was in solution.

    motsco_ _, Mar 7, 2005
  5. razvan2000

    Howard Guest

    I agree with Curly, change the trans fluid and only use the Honda ATF Z-1
    tranny fluid.
    Also a worn front or rear motor mount can cause a hard shift and that is a
    frequent cause of hard or banging shifts.
    For the tranny to shift at 2700 RPM is not unusual, depending on your gas
    pedal position or how hard or easy you accelerate. A Honda motor will rev
    higher than most cars and do it safely. If your used to domestic cars and
    this is your first Honda, you may see an extreme difference in engine speeds
    in your everyday driving.
    Howard, Mar 8, 2005
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