1997 Honda Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by deb-fisher, Sep 21, 2007.

  1. deb-fisher

    deb-fisher Guest

    I have just been told that my engine mounts are bad, 1 is collapsed, 1
    is "just bad" and the other two are going bad.

    Cost to repair $1,000.00 (ball park)

    Is this accurate? Also, I am from the Pittsburgh area if anyone
    knows of someone to perform the work - please let me know!

    Are there 'instructions' on how to do the work from Honda?
    deb-fisher, Sep 21, 2007
  2. deb-fisher

    jim beam Guest

    i think that's way high.
    unlikely all of them are broken. get a second opinion, including from
    an independent honda specialist if necessary.
    helminc.com. they sell the honda factory workshop manuals - tell you
    everything you need to know.
    jim beam, Sep 22, 2007

  3. So what symptoms led you to seek the diagnosis in the first place?
    Motor mounts were suspected in my "97's drive train vibration problem
    on acceleration and it turned out to be a badly out of balance CV
    drive axle.

    Frank Boettcher, Sep 23, 2007
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