1997 Honda Civic question

Discussion in 'Civic' started by darien7684, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. darien7684

    darien7684 Guest

    Our Civic was running low on oil, so when my husband went to leave, it died
    and wouldn't start again. He put in oil, however, now it will not start at
    all. It tries to start, but sounds like it isn't getting any fuel. Is
    there a sensor that shuts down the fuel line if the oil pressure is too
    low? If so, how do we reset it? And there are no sensors like that, does
    anyone have any idea as to what might be the problem?

    Thank you so much!
    darien7684, Nov 30, 2004
  2. darien7684

    motsco_ _ Guest


    The 'out of oil' part of the equation is covered by your owner's manual,
    but the starting problem may be your 'main relay'.

    Just do a search in this group and you'll find dozens of posts about
    this _terribly_ common problem.

    Meantime, turn the key to position II. If you don't hear the fuel pump
    under the back seat running for two seconds, smack the dash on the left
    side of the steering wheel and listen again. If you hear it running for
    a few seconds, try starting it again.

    Please report back and tell us if it works.

    Also, you should perform the 'lamp check' in your manual, if you haven't
    been terribly careful about servicing your car. If a lamp is burnt out,
    bad things can happen an you wouldn't know it. :-(

    motsco_ _, Nov 30, 2004
  3. darien7684

    darien7684 Guest

    My husband said the oil light came on after the car died. Since then,
    there were no other lights that came on - I will have him check the
    warning lights.

    As for checking the fuel pump, I will have him check that as well. He had
    made an appointment to take it to the shop, but I don't know if he has had
    it towed as of yet.

    Is it possible it could just be something that needs to be reset or if it
    is something that is much worse?

    Thanks again - I really appreciate your help!
    darien7684, Nov 30, 2004
  4. darien7684

    TeGGer® Guest

    Have fun here:
    TeGGer®, Dec 1, 2004
  5. darien7684

    motsco_ _ Guest


    I'm trying to save you the PRICE OF TOWING if you will do the check, and
    it's the relay, smacking the dash will get the car going (until you turn
    it off next)

    You don't need to take it to Honda. Any fool can follow the links i
    mentioned, and just slip it out, get somebody to resolder it (for the
    cost of a Cappuccino) and put it back in themselves.

    Good for another 200,000 miles. :)
    motsco_ _, Dec 1, 2004
  6. darien7684

    BCHU2000 Guest

    It sounds like the engine block is frozen. You would need a mechanic to take
    the engine out and service it. From what I have heard, it is expensive.
    BCHU2000, Dec 1, 2004
  7. darien7684

    E. Meyer Guest

    The oil light is probably a red herring. When the engine stops running, the
    oil pump also stops, so the light will come on if the key is still in the
    "run" position because there is no pressure. If the problem was caused by
    low oil, the light would have come on first, then the engine would have
    E. Meyer, Dec 1, 2004
  8. darien7684

    remcow Guest

    I find that once my wife's integra (basically a civic) has a starting
    problem it takes quite a bit of effort to get the car started again, even
    after the problem is fixed.
    To get it going again, spray some ether or starting fluid in the air
    intake - spray for about 5 seconds or so before starting the car.

    Once you get it going again, just be sure to check the oil frequently;
    running out of oil can be very expensive.

    Hope this is of use to you
    remcow, Dec 1, 2004
  9. darien7684

    darien7684 Guest

    The shop is checking to make sure we do not have a bent valve, however, the
    timing belt was not broken. The timing was off about 4 teeth.
    darien7684, Dec 2, 2004
  10. darien7684

    darien7684 Guest

    Well, they have now replaced the main relay as well as the timing belt and
    it still will not start. Any suggestions?
    darien7684, Dec 10, 2004
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