1997 Honda Civic question

Discussion in 'Civic' started by darien7684, Dec 22, 2004.

  1. darien7684

    TCS Guest

    <html><input type crash></html>
    If it has everything it needs to start then it will start.

    If the mechanic is on a wild goose chase testing the ignition switch
    then the mechanic's competance is seriously in question.
    TCS, Jan 12, 2005
  2. darien7684

    TeGGer® Guest

    I concur with that assessment.
    TeGGer®, Jan 12, 2005
  3. darien7684

    darien7684 Guest

    As I said before - he is not on a wild goose chase. The ignition switch
    was checked as well as the coil and they both are fine.

    Do you have any suggestions without out making comments about the
    mechanic's integrity?

    darien7684, Jan 13, 2005
  4. darien7684

    ravelation Guest

    When a doctor can't figure out what's wrong with you, you go to another
    doctor for a second opinion.
    ravelation, Jan 13, 2005
  5. darien7684

    TCS Guest

    <html><input type crash></html>
    I've given you exact details on how to narrow it down to the ignition,
    fuel, exhaust, or compression in several posts.

    If you want a "try this", or "try that", then that is exactly what I won't
    give you. How many parts make up a running engine? Just about any of them
    can keep it from starting. Are you going to try replacing them all?

    Until you narrow it down to ignition/fuel/exhaust/compression, you haven't a
    clue why the car won't start or even where to start looking.

    When you get that much of a clue, come back.

    Otherwise, I suggest you torch the car and take the bus.
    TCS, Jan 13, 2005
  6. darien7684

    darien7684 Guest

    Well, let me say thanks for your help ... but I could have done without the
    sarcastic attitude. I will admit, I do not know a lot about engines, but
    you talking to me like I'm an idiot doesn't help either.
    darien7684, Jan 13, 2005
  7. darien7684

    darien7684 Guest

    This is the second mechanic ...
    darien7684, Jan 13, 2005
  8. darien7684

    darien7684 Guest

    This is the second mechanic ...
    darien7684, Jan 13, 2005
  9. darien7684

    TCS Guest

    <html><input type crash></html>
    Is there spark? Is the timing correct?

    Is there fuel pressure? Is the fuel going to the injector rail
    Is there a signal going to the fuel injectors?
    Is the fuel injector rail grounded? Is there raw gas going out the
    tail pipe? Does the engine computer throw any codes? Should it
    give an "all ok" code?

    Is the exhaust free flowing?

    Is there compression?

    Have you done the troubleshooting flowchart out of the honda shop
    TCS, Jan 13, 2005
  10. darien7684

    TeGGer® Guest

    You'd been given lots of advice prior to the ad hominem against your
    mechanic, including a link by me to the relevant section of the Unoffical

    If your mechanic has been unable to get the car running after all this
    time, then I'm sorry but he's incompetent.
    TeGGer®, Jan 13, 2005
  11. darien7684

    TeGGer® Guest

    Then find a third. Like the dealer, maybe.

    And turn quoting back on please.
    TeGGer®, Jan 13, 2005
  12. darien7684

    E. Meyer Guest

    Does the second guy know that the first guy corrected the timing by "four
    teeth"? Did he access the timing belt and re-install it to correct these
    four teeth? Or take out the distributor and turn the gear? What did he
    actually do? If the distributor has been out, I would say there is a chance
    things were not properly aligned when it was put back. If it is firing the
    wrong cylinders at the wrong time, that would be enough to make it not

    If you think this second guy is actually competent, have him recheck
    whatever was done to the timing, including the belt itself and the
    E. Meyer, Jan 17, 2005
  13. darien7684

    darien7684 Guest

    As of this afternoon, it is being towed to the dealer. Hopefully they will
    be able to find something.
    darien7684, Jan 18, 2005
  14. darien7684

    kwalker Guest

    As of this afternoon, it is being towed to the dealer. Hopefully they will
    I just saw this thread. Please post what the final prognosis was.
    kwalker, Jan 19, 2005
  15. darien7684

    darien7684 Guest

    We'll do - thanks!
    darien7684, Jan 20, 2005
  16. darien7684

    darien7684 Guest

    The dealer said it has something to do with a pulley not catching when it
    tries to start. Replacing that would be about $750, which would get it to
    start. After it has started, there will be more problems. Basically, it
    comes down to the engine needs to be replaced.
    darien7684, Feb 1, 2005
  17. darien7684

    SoCalMike Guest

    hm. bad flywheel.
    SoCalMike, Feb 2, 2005
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