1997 "Honda Tap"?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by sweety783, Jun 28, 2005.

  1. sweety783

    sweety783 Guest

    The valves in my Honda are VERY loud. I've had the valves adjusted several
    times by different mechanics but its done nothing. I've been told that its
    not hurting anything but the noise is endlessly irritating.
    Is there anything I can do to eliminate or soften this noise?
    Thanks for all your help.
    sweety783, Jun 28, 2005
  2. sweety783

    E Meyer Guest

    Have you ever had the valves adjusted by a Honda shop? Try getting the
    valves adjusted at a Honda dealer to make sure that¹s not the problem.

    It might not be the valves, though. It might be piston slap. The 4
    cylinder engines of that vintage were susceptible to it. Does it only do it
    when the engine is cold and then quiet down after it warms up? If it is
    piston slap, it doesn't really hurt anything and the fix is a new engine.
    Most people just learn to ignore it.
    E Meyer, Jun 28, 2005
  3. sweety783

    sweety783 Guest

    E.Meyer, Thanks for both replies. I will bring it to a dealer and have
    them check out what you said.
    Thank you very much
    sweety783, Jun 28, 2005
  4. sweety783

    MAT Guest

    It is also extremely important to adjust valve lash with stone cold engine.
    When I adjust mine, I leave the car at my parent's house and come back a day
    or 2 later and do it with a cold engine.
    MAT, Jun 28, 2005
  5. Which car? On my 97 Civic HX, oil adhering to the moving parts would
    cause me to set gaps up to twice as large as spec'd. I found the
    solution - pull up hard on the rocker then hold it up lightly with a
    finger. The measurements would then be very accurate and consistent.
    Kevin McMurtrie, Jun 29, 2005
  6. sweety783

    sweety783 Guest

    Thanks for your help. It's a 1997 Honda Accord DX.
    sweety783, Jun 29, 2005
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