1998 CRV 4wd transmission

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by damn, Dec 5, 2004.

  1. damn

    damn Guest

    Hi All,
    I have a 1998 CR-V 4wd, 111,000 miles. All services done at dealership
    and up to date (also have a 2004 Pilot from same dealer - and all
    services done there too)
    We had the CRV transmission go through regular tranny service as
    suggested by service manual ( all services per honda manual), a month
    later the tranny starts acting up, when trying to shift up from 2nd to
    third theres a moment where the engine revs up while waiting for the
    3rd to engage while out of 2nd (momentarily in a neutral like state).
    It does engage into third, this happens all the time and is
    consistant. I think its a sticking valve in the tranny valve body, the
    tech says the tranny has to be replaced. I have asked that the local
    DSM be contacted as ZI feel it is to young for the tranny to fail. ANY
    suggestions and words of wisdom will be GREATLY appreciated.
    Is there an additive I can use on the tranny that will 'clean' the
    sticking valve, tech says no (for obvious reasons - end of year lets
    get a tranny job in). I have also heard horro stories of the cost..
    Please reply to this group or to
    Sorry for the long message and thanks in advance for reading/replying.
    Seasons greeting all.
    damn, Dec 5, 2004
  2. damn

    motsco_ _ Guest


    What's the level, color, and smell of the tranny fluid looking like?
    Maybe you need to read thru the tech postings at hondasuv.com.

    It could be the TCU acting up, or, like you said, the solonoid is
    sticking / not grounded properly.

    motsco_ _, Dec 5, 2004
  3. damn

    Net-Doctor Guest

    See if the ATF smells burnt. That might indicate one of your clutches has
    failed. Also check for any metal flakes or filings on the drain bolt magnet.
    Any significant solid ferrous material there may have come from a clutch.
    It's conceivable that a valve could be sticking, but not likely from
    being gunked up. Your transmission doesn't develop gunk inside unless the
    fluid never gets changed, or something other than ATF got put in. If it was
    a gunk related issue it would have came from the factory that way, and it
    would have been a problem since day 1. Doubtful that any additive will free
    Net-Doctor, Dec 5, 2004
  4. damn

    twfsa Guest

    Do a google search for automatic transmission additives, what do yu have to
    loose or take it to an independent trans shop, before you think of adding
    the additive. There are some honest shops out there.

    twfsa, Dec 5, 2004
  5. damn

    damn Guest

    Hi Curly, Thanks for the quick response, the fluid is slight brown,
    acceptable considering it was just chnaged recently and could have got
    some of its tint from mixing with the torq con. fluid, does not smell
    burnt. the fluid was is at proper level. How would one reset the TCU,
    if at all possible.
    damn, Dec 5, 2004
  6. damn

    damn Guest

    Just remembered something els, we had the throttle body and TPS
    removed and cleaned out during the service, could it be a TPS
    possition problem, e.g. not set right?
    damn, Dec 5, 2004
  7. damn

    Net-Doctor Guest

    Were there any metal flakes or filings on the drain bolt magnet?
    Any significant solid ferrous material there may have come from a clutch.
    It's conceivable that a valve could be sticking, but not likely from
    being gunked up. Your transmission doesn't develop gunk inside unless the
    fluid never gets changed, or something other than ATF got put in. I have
    seen a lot of transmissions broken down and even the worst ones just have
    dark fluid, but it's not thick and sludgey. The strainer does a very good
    job of filtering it. If it was a gunk related issue it would have came from
    the factory that way, and it would have been a problem since day 1. Doubtful
    that any additive will free it. Although it won't hurt it either.
    Could be a problem with a linear solenoid, but this is a Japan
    transmission, so I'm not sure if that one uses a linear solenoid. A linear
    solenoid controls fluid flow to the clutches to prevent shift shock. If a
    linear were stuck or working slowly, a fluid pressure might be low at a
    critical time ( during the shift ).
    A well-equipped dealer might have the necessary equipment to do a dyno
    test and monitor clutch pressures during the shifts. That might tell you
    what's going on.
    Net-Doctor, Dec 5, 2004
  8. damn

    damn Guest

    Hi Curly, Doc et All,
    Here is what I tried based on a lead from Curly.
    Disconnected the battery and 'gently' tapped two solenoid valves that
    I could see on top of the tranny a few times with a light #10 spanner
    used to disconnect the battery with, then let the car sit for over 3
    hours (took a nap lol).
    Came back reconnected the battery, and went for a test drive. Did a
    very slow speed series of starts and stops; with a full gear change
    1st to 4th hoping the TCU would 're-learn' shift points. Continued
    this pattern at gradually higher speeds for gear change and slight up
    hill grades to put a little more pressure on the Trans (so far no
    reoccurrence 'AT ALL' of the symptom - usually it would happen at the
    get go and 'every' time Trans up shifted from 2 to 3, regardless if
    the Trans was cold or at normal operating temp.
    Came home and let the wife drive (different driver pattern, plus she's
    the main driver of the V, I use the Pilot). don't mean to shout but...

    I don't think I should however count my blessing yet, will let her
    drive it for a while. First off all thanks guys for the tip/s. Doc you
    mention the solenoid valves, since I did a little of both not sure
    which completely 'fixed' the prob; i.e. the power reset of the TCU or
    the wimpy tapping of the top two solenoids. Any idea where the linear
    solenoid is located. Please advise.
    Will keep you folks posted.
    THANKS again all,

    P.s. By the way the up shift points of all gears are uncanningly VERY
    smooth (like new), hope its not a calm before the storm. Did notice
    the valves need adjusting, can hear them tapping a little.
    damn, Dec 5, 2004
  9. damn

    motsco_ _ Guest

    damn wrote:>

    Your description of the fluid makes me think you need to get it drained
    one more time, and be sure it's Honda Z1 they put in. No subs, no
    additives. For me, I'd drain it again in another month to be sure it's
    getting very clean.

    If you have a large paint tray, and a 3/8" socket handle, you could do
    it yourself, and then you'd get to inspect the magnetic plug too. Dirty
    ATF makes me nervous. . . .

    It's always possible they forgot to change it at all (but remembered to
    bill you) :-(

    motsco_ _, Dec 6, 2004
  10. damn

    twfsa Guest

    I was not aware that the CR-V had a TCU that would re-learn shift points if
    the battery were disconnected.

    twfsa, Dec 6, 2004
  11. damn

    damn Guest

    Hi Tom,
    Not saying it does or doesn't, just what I did and the result. BTW
    when I mentioned valves (engine) need adjusting it was an off subject
    note related to engine rev performance.
    But Tom brings a good question, anyone able to help?
    damn, Dec 6, 2004
  12. damn

    damn Guest

    Just a FYI to all that helped, my CRV is still running great. Honda
    techs asked for me to bring it back in so they could see for
    themselves, they are writing a tech report to Honda, as they test
    drove and prooved the tranny was good, no burnt oil smell, and fluid
    is very light tint, and unbelieveable smooth gear shift.
    They offered to change the linear valve for free (labor) as a 'just in
    case'. I opted todo so. All ended well. THANKS again to all that
    damn, Dec 9, 2004
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