1998 CVR clock

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by damn, Jul 11, 2006.

  1. damn

    damn Guest

    Hey all,
    Anyone have a working clock they are willing to sell.
    damn, Jul 11, 2006
    'Curly Q. Links', Jul 11, 2006
  3. damn

    damn Guest

    I was in N carolina, but am now in Toronto Canada. Its a Canadian CRV.
    damn, Jul 12, 2006
  4. Call any wreckers and they can check their 'network' to tell you which
    yard has one. It's fast and handy.

    'Curly Q. Links', Jul 12, 2006
  5. damn

    damn Guest

    did that, no luck :(
    damn, Jul 12, 2006
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