1998 honda accord coolent lose with no leak

Discussion in 'Accord' started by a300pilotster, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. I have to refill or top of my radiator at least 1.5 time a week.
    80-100 miles. there is no fluid leak outside the engine. where is
    the coolant going? the car is sometime hard to start especially if i
    park it nose high.

    a300pilotster, Aug 31, 2008
  2. a300pilotster

    L Alpert Guest

    Check to see if your oil foams up.....(coolant in your oil).
    L Alpert, Aug 31, 2008
  3. a300pilotster

    E Meyer Guest

    Start with getting the radiator cap tested. If its not holding pressure,
    too much goes out into the overflow and gets pushed out onto the road. If
    that's not it, then start looking at the more expensive stuff like water
    pump, leaky radiator, head gasket, etc.

    A small leak will not show up when the engine is hot (evaporates off almost
    immediately), but can still amount to significant losses in fluid. Look
    carefully when the engine is cold for any droplets or discoloration around
    the engine and radiator.
    E Meyer, Aug 31, 2008
  4. a300pilotster

    jim beam Guest

    sounds like head gasket. look for bubbles in the coolant expansion
    bottle when the engine is at full temp. make sure you eliminate other
    leak sources before surgery though. chemical test is good. check the
    coolant pump from under the engine.

    fyi, heads usually go because of overheating. and overheating usually
    occurs because the radiator cracked a while ago. be aware of that in
    future and replace pre-emptively! and make sure that if it's the head,
    that the person doing any replacement does NOT use any abrasives in
    cleanup, and does NOT skim the head unless it's warped. google this
    group for info. and finally, sometimes, economics of engine replacement
    are more favorable than engine surgery with the great price of japanese
    jdm engine imports.
    jim beam, Sep 1, 2008
  5. a300pilotster

    jim beam Guest

    almost never happens on a honda. head gasket is bubbles in the coolant,
    and that's pretty much it.
    jim beam, Sep 1, 2008
  6. a300pilotster

    L Alpert Guest

    Probability pretty low.....ack!
    L Alpert, Sep 2, 2008
  7. a300pilotster

    johngdole Guest

    If you've checked for leaks (hoses, heater core, water pump,
    reservoir, rad cap, etc) and found none, then at that rate probably
    the head gasket.

    You can have the coolant checked for exhaust gas (test strip or
    sniffer) if visuals don't show.
    johngdole, Sep 7, 2008
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