1998 Honda Accord EX 4cyl Alarm Problems

Discussion in 'Accord' started by techjohnny, May 16, 2008.

  1. techjohnny

    techjohnny Guest

    It seems that my Accord's alarm system has a mind of its own. For no
    apparent reason, without activating the alarm, the alarm goes off, and
    we cannot disable it with the remote key. Luckily the last time this
    happened, we were able to disable the alarm by using the key in the
    door, but this isn't always the case.

    The Honda dealership quoted us $95 for another programmable key.
    Can't we just disable the alarm? It's been a very unpredictable scene
    when the door is opened, and very scary to have to disconnect the
    battery to buy some time.


    techjohnny, May 16, 2008
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