1998 Honda Civic "clanking" noise :(

Discussion in 'Civic' started by VT-Hokie, Sep 30, 2005.

  1. VT-Hokie

    VT-Hokie Guest

    Hey all, first post.

    I recently just came back to school at virginia tech and had to get my
    radiator replaced because the guys said it was "busted" and it had
    indeed leaked all its antifreeze out.

    Anyway, a couple weeks later a muffler hanger broke and i went to a
    different place and ended up getting the whole exaust system replaced

    So $700 later and a couple weeks after both these incidents when I
    drive to classes and only while im accelerating (on hills and on flat
    road), a metallic clanking noise occurs somewhere in the front of my
    car (almost sounds like the outside of the front, but I cant tell).

    It is very noticeable with the windows down and even when they are up
    and the music if off. It almost sounds like a clock when im
    accelerating at all, "clank.. clank.. clank.. clank", if i drive for
    more than say 10 minutes it will shutup but it varies from soft clank
    to loud clank.

    The weird part is, when i shut off my car after coming back from class
    or something (only like a 5 minute drive) it will periodically (every
    30 seconds or so) make the ’clank’ several more times even though the
    car isnt on or anything.

    I went back to the exaust people once and they put a shield around
    part of the exaust, thinking it was a vibration, but i told them it
    wasnt, but hey, they failed that time, im gonna take it back soon. It
    is a distinct clank, like hitting the metal part of a wrench to a
    screw driver.

    Any thoughts would be extremelly helpful! im no mechanic!
    What in a car would be a part that still moved causing a clank after
    the car is turned off? (and I don’t think the radiator fan has stayed
    on or at least I don’t hear it).

    Thanks in advance!
    VT-Hokie, Sep 30, 2005
  2. VT-Hokie

    VT-Hokie Guest

    bump.. taking it back up there tomorrow, any parts thrown out there in
    a reply would be helpful so that i could at least mention possible
    target areas (ie engine, transmission) im clueless.

    Thanks again!
    VT-Hokie, Oct 5, 2005
  3. VT-Hokie

    KJ Guest

    on my Civic, the water pump going bad was what made a clanking sound. I
    would guess maybe the header of the exhaust system is not aligned properly
    or is the wrong size.

    KJ, Oct 9, 2005
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