1999 Accord V6 transmission problems

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Pete, Aug 29, 2003.

  1. Pete

    MikeHunt2 Guest

    Do some research on, statistics in the market place. One can
    find statistics on anything, if you look.. That statistics is on
    failures that lead to a breakdown. ;)

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt2, Sep 5, 2003
  2. Pete

    MikeHunt2 Guest

    Do some research on, statistics in the market place. One can
    find statistics on anything, if you look.. That statistics is on
    failures that lead to a breakdown. ;)

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt2, Sep 5, 2003
  3. Perfectly untraceable. I expected nothing less!
    Stephen Bigelow, Sep 5, 2003
  4. Perfectly untraceable. I expected nothing less!
    Stephen Bigelow, Sep 5, 2003
  5. First, Mike Hunt said:
    By 'breakdown' do you mean the car is undriveable? What happened to
    "minor and not so minor?" I would say that any failure that causes the
    car to be undriveable is not minor. The great majority of failures do
    not cause breakdowns in that sense.

    I am skeptical that even the breakdown rate is that low.
    Gordon McGrew, Sep 5, 2003
  6. First, Mike Hunt said:
    By 'breakdown' do you mean the car is undriveable? What happened to
    "minor and not so minor?" I would say that any failure that causes the
    car to be undriveable is not minor. The great majority of failures do
    not cause breakdowns in that sense.

    I am skeptical that even the breakdown rate is that low.
    Gordon McGrew, Sep 5, 2003
  7. Pete

    NetSock Guest

    Really? Wow...what a genius...
    NetSock, Sep 5, 2003
  8. Pete

    NetSock Guest

    Really? Wow...what a genius...
    NetSock, Sep 5, 2003
  9. Pete

    MikeHunt2 Guest

    Those that result in a vehicle not operating properly, or not at
    all. I.E. Failed plug wire (minor) or a Tranny (major). A loose
    door latch or inoperable cigar lighter does not cause the vehicle
    to not operate properly or quit. If one subscribes to J. D.
    Powers service you will see they list things by category, rather
    than just the totals they publish of defects per thousand

    mike bunt
    MikeHunt2, Sep 5, 2003
  10. Pete

    MikeHunt2 Guest

    Those that result in a vehicle not operating properly, or not at
    all. I.E. Failed plug wire (minor) or a Tranny (major). A loose
    door latch or inoperable cigar lighter does not cause the vehicle
    to not operate properly or quit. If one subscribes to J. D.
    Powers service you will see they list things by category, rather
    than just the totals they publish of defects per thousand

    mike bunt
    MikeHunt2, Sep 5, 2003
  11. Pete

    MikeHunt2 Guest

    Me too! I don't really think you would actually do you own
    homework. It is much easier to believe what you want to believe

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt2, Sep 5, 2003
  12. Pete

    MikeHunt2 Guest

    Me too! I don't really think you would actually do you own
    homework. It is much easier to believe what you want to believe

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt2, Sep 5, 2003
  13. Pete

    PJ Guest

    So is your name Pete or Rick? I've seen you post both ways.
    PJ, Sep 5, 2003
  14. Pete

    PJ Guest

    So is your name Pete or Rick? I've seen you post both ways.
    PJ, Sep 5, 2003
  15. Pete

    Pete Guest

    It depends on which of my alter egos is feeling frisky that day :)

    Pete's a nickname. Rick's my real name.

    Pete, Sep 6, 2003
  16. Pete

    Pete Guest

    It depends on which of my alter egos is feeling frisky that day :)

    Pete's a nickname. Rick's my real name.

    Pete, Sep 6, 2003
  17. Pete

    John Guest

    Well folks, I just went to the dealer to pick up my car, which I
    dropped off yesterday for it's first oil change and some rattles. I
    also asked them to check the tranny because it took a bit to engage
    into drive from P, R or N(1 2 second delay to engage D). No biggie, I
    thought... I was hoping that they would say that this is
    normal.....been like this from day #1 Nope, "Re manufactured
    Transmission" has been ordered. Service told me that this is not
    "normal". They also told me that they have replaced transmissions on
    other '03's. I didn't ask for details but I did want to let you all
    know because I have seen posts on these boards with this same symptom.
    Question: They tell me that a "Re manufactured Transmission" is not a
    "re built transmission" because ALL the innards are new (perhaps used
    casing) and it's not assembled in an assembly line, but rather by
    humans at Honda motors... Is this true? I also demanded a new torque
    converter.. they told me that Honda only sends them as together to
    eliminate contamination concerns. Does anyone have the facts on these
    two items? Anyone out there work or have worked in Service? Lastly,
    has anyone had a tranny replaced before? If so, what everything right
    after that major repair (alignment, rattles, no damage, etc.) They
    tell me that the car will not need wheel alignment. Can anyone confirm
    that? Sorry for the long post, but given all the tranny issues and
    questions, I thought the replies to this one would be helpful for
    others as well. Thanks!
    John, Sep 17, 2003
  18. Pete

    John Guest

    Well folks, I just went to the dealer to pick up my car, which I
    dropped off yesterday for it's first oil change and some rattles. I
    also asked them to check the tranny because it took a bit to engage
    into drive from P, R or N(1 2 second delay to engage D). No biggie, I
    thought... I was hoping that they would say that this is
    normal.....been like this from day #1 Nope, "Re manufactured
    Transmission" has been ordered. Service told me that this is not
    "normal". They also told me that they have replaced transmissions on
    other '03's. I didn't ask for details but I did want to let you all
    know because I have seen posts on these boards with this same symptom.
    Question: They tell me that a "Re manufactured Transmission" is not a
    "re built transmission" because ALL the innards are new (perhaps used
    casing) and it's not assembled in an assembly line, but rather by
    humans at Honda motors... Is this true? I also demanded a new torque
    converter.. they told me that Honda only sends them as together to
    eliminate contamination concerns. Does anyone have the facts on these
    two items? Anyone out there work or have worked in Service? Lastly,
    has anyone had a tranny replaced before? If so, what everything right
    after that major repair (alignment, rattles, no damage, etc.) They
    tell me that the car will not need wheel alignment. Can anyone confirm
    that? Sorry for the long post, but given all the tranny issues and
    questions, I thought the replies to this one would be helpful for
    others as well. Thanks!
    John, Sep 17, 2003
  19. Pete

    John Guest

    Agree, that guy is a looser, BIG TIME. I'm tired of waiting through
    all of his nonsensical posts. Yes, Mike Hunt, that be you. MTFWTAW
    John, Sep 17, 2003
  20. Pete

    John Guest

    Agree, that guy is a looser, BIG TIME. I'm tired of waiting through
    all of his nonsensical posts. Yes, Mike Hunt, that be you. MTFWTAW
    John, Sep 17, 2003
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