1st Oil Change

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dave L, Nov 4, 2005.

  1. Dave L

    Dave L Guest

    Hi everyone,

    Question about the 1st oil change on an '05 Accord LX 4-cylinder. The
    dealership had an offer w/Quakerstate that said they would extend the
    warranty on the engine to 100k miles (I forget the years) if I change the
    oil before 4k miles w/Quakerstate. This includes the 1st change. Reading
    this newsgroup and other places, I hear you should let it go for what the
    manual indicates before changing. To me, the extra warranty would be a
    pain - always have to find a place to replace it with this oil. Besides, I
    was thinking of switching to Mobil 1 after the first couple changes anyway
    w/regular dino oil.

    Should I just change the first time @4k miles, or wait until it is a little
    closer to what the manual says?

    Thanks in advance!
    Dave L, Nov 4, 2005
  2. Dave L

    SoCalMike Guest

    id wait for the 7500, or whatever the manual says. then run regular dino
    oil til at least 15k before switching to a synthetic. or you can stick
    with regular oil forever.

    just from reading this group, i dont think anyones ever posted about a
    catastrophic engine failure before 100k miles.

    that doesnt count timing belt or water pump problems, which wouldnt be
    covered under the pennsoil warranty anyway.
    SoCalMike, Nov 4, 2005
  3. Dave L

    zonie Guest

    I would wait untill 5000 and use the Mobil 1
    zonie, Nov 4, 2005
  4. Dave L

    TeGGeR® Guest

    That's fine.

    Stick to what the manual says...for SEVERE service.
    TeGGeR®, Nov 4, 2005
  5. Dave L

    Dave L Guest

    I'll have the first oil change done soon w/dino and switch over to Mobil 1.
    Honda oil filter every time, of course. Severe service schedule it is - 4
    miles to work gives short distance drives. Gotta make sure I'm taking her
    for a run on the highways on a refular basis :)

    Thanks again!
    Dave L, Nov 5, 2005
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