2 litre Honda Civic in Australia?

Discussion in 'Civic' started by CAV.Dott.Ing.HatzOlah®, Oct 5, 2003.

  1. Prob. another of the zillion Jap imports,fancy bringing in a shitbox like

    Would/nt get out of sight on a foggy night,unless you rev the **** out of it
    to 25,000RPM+, just like all the small cc Jap engines these days i think
    torque is the word i am looking for...

    never ever a hahaahonda fan,you hear me NEVER,one of if not the most
    overrated overpriced company on the planet
    CAV.Dott.Ing.HatzOlah®, Oct 5, 2003
  2. Yeah but that comes from YOU so holds NO merit

    WHO the **** R U anyway ???


    CAV.Dott.Ing.HatzOlah®, Oct 6, 2003
  3. As far as anybody knows, did Australia ever get a Honda Civic with a 2
    litre engine?

    A mate of mine recently saw a Civic with a 2.0 litre badge, checked the
    rego and it was a '94 model. Unfortunately the car was gone when I asked
    him to go back and get a photo of it for me.

    Oh and he did manage to see that it was a GLi model.

    (Honda fan)
    Collin @ Bigpond, Oct 7, 2003
  4. CAV.Dott.Ing.HatzOlah®

    Gavin Cato Guest

    My sympathies.
    Gavin Cato, Oct 7, 2003
  5. http://www.hotrod.com/featuredvehicles/22838/index.html


    I realise Widmer is a genius to say the least, but the fact he sees such
    potential in them (and unlocks it) is not too bad imo.

    I have to be honest - if I had the money to spare, I'd at least want to
    try and replicate that. I'd also been damn keen on a honda powered mini
    - motor chosen on weight not outright power - as even the shittest
    motors could make a mini near untouchable on the street in any
    conditions - not just on tight corners.

    And before anyone else chimes in - the fastest mini I've ever heard
    of/seen was rotary powered, and whilst I'd think that would be even
    better, it would cost more to adapt so that's the only reason I'd go the

    John McKenzie

    admin@loopback $LOGIN@localhost
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    John McKenzie, Oct 7, 2003
  6. Don't know whether I've posted this before - but Honda S2000 plus a 'kit'
    from TOO = mind blowing little sports car.
    While I'm not sure whether he's done one for the S2000 because I don't know
    which engine lives there, IIRC, 500BHP as suggested for the other engines
    of similar config and size wouldn't be out of the question, and with the
    easy solution to wheelspin included with the kit.
    FAR superior to the BMW lump of crap, and all up about 60% of the price,

    'twould be a car that went as fast as it looked like it should for once,



    quidquid latine dictum
    sit, altum viditur
    Toby Ponsenby, Oct 7, 2003
  7. CAV.Dott.Ing.HatzOlah®

    Gavin Cato Guest

    You are the most clueless fuckwit on this newsgroup, and that includes David
    Gavin Cato, Oct 7, 2003
  8. CAV.Dott.Ing.HatzOlah®

    Arnie Guest

    prolly a CRVTEC conversion job which comprises of using a CRV B20 block with
    B18 (integra) or B16 (civic/crx) heads.
    Dem crazy Honda boyz :p

    Arnie, Oct 7, 2003
  9. CAV.Dott.Ing.HatzOlah®

    Dre Guest

    what about Cyborg :)

    Dre, Oct 8, 2003
  10. CAV.Dott.Ing.HatzOlah®

    Tom Davies Guest

    Cyborg's posts should be viewed as avant gard art, not attempts to
    convey information :)

    Tom Davies, Oct 8, 2003

  11. Tend to agree:)



    quidquid latine dictum
    sit, altum viditur
    Toby Ponsenby, Oct 8, 2003
  12. CAV.Dott.Ing.HatzOlah®

    Gavin Cato Guest

    Someone not as mentally retarded and ignorant as yourself.
    Gavin Cato, Oct 8, 2003
  13. CAV.Dott.Ing.HatzOlah®

    Charlie Guest

    I'd like to agree with Gavin on that one.

    Charlie, Oct 8, 2003
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