2000 Accord 4 Cylinder

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Sam InPOWELL, Feb 14, 2010.

  1. Sam InPOWELL

    Sam InPOWELL Guest

    I was coming home decided to go in the grocery store and get milk,
    came back out the Engine Turns over fine (at Normal rate) but it will
    not start. The Battery is new, and I never had problem with this car
    before. Anyone has any ideas?
    Sam InPOWELL, Feb 14, 2010
  2. Sam InPOWELL

    Eric Guest

    Ignition switch module, if it starts and dies as soon as you let the key go.

    Just a thought, probably need more info to diagnose the issues.


    Eric, Feb 14, 2010
  3. Sam InPOWELL

    jim beam Guest

    is the check engine light on? what code do you have?
    jim beam, Feb 14, 2010
  4. Sam InPOWELL

    Sam InPOWELL Guest

    the engine keeps turning but never starts
    Sam InPOWELL, Feb 14, 2010
  5. Sam InPOWELL

    Steve L Guest

    When was the last time the car got new plugs/wires/rotor and distributor

    Might be time.

    Has it been wet weather lately where you are? (see above)
    Steve L, Feb 14, 2010
  6. Sam InPOWELL

    Jim Yanik Guest

    check the main relay,too.it may need resoldering or replacement.

    Jim Yanik
    dot com
    Jim Yanik, Feb 14, 2010
  7. Sam InPOWELL

    jim beam Guest

    on the obdII 2000 accord, there should be a code that differentiates all
    the above conjecture. the op should start there before any further
    jim beam, Feb 14, 2010
  8. Sam InPOWELL

    Sam InPOWELL Guest

    that day was just cold but dry
    Sam InPOWELL, Feb 15, 2010
  9. Sam InPOWELL

    Sam InPOWELL Guest

    Jim thank you, but can you please tell me in plain english what that
    means. sorry i just know a little about cars not much. But Before I
    show it to mechanic i dont want them to take advantage of me so I want
    to get opinions of you experts. Thanks
    Sam InPOWELL, Feb 15, 2010
  10. Sam InPOWELL

    jim beam Guest

    is the check engine light on? if so, the engine computer has registered
    a fault and you need to borrow a code reader from kragen/pep boys, etc
    and find out what it is. that'll give you a better handle on the
    no-start than simply guessing. it'll also save you money on paying
    someone else to do the same thing for you.
    jim beam, Feb 15, 2010
  11. Sam InPOWELL

    Jim Yanik Guest

    It shouldn't matter,as the car was already running and warmed up.
    Being turned off during a run into a store isn't long enough for moisture
    to cause ignition problems.
    the car is about the right age for a main relay problem,even if the outside
    temp is not hot.

    Or else the igniter finally failed.

    Jim Yanik
    dot com
    Jim Yanik, Feb 15, 2010
  12. Sam InPOWELL

    jim beam Guest

    on obdII vehicles, misfires, igniter failures and injector circuit
    faults all register codes.
    jim beam, Feb 15, 2010
  13. Sam InPOWELL

    Clive Guest

    What is one of these in (British) English please?
    Clive, Feb 15, 2010
  14. Sam InPOWELL

    Sam InPOWELL Guest

    the light was on for a while, i got the prob fixed but mechanic never
    reset the light. so the light stayed on.
    Sam InPOWELL, Feb 16, 2010
  15. Sam InPOWELL

    Sam InPOWELL Guest

    I will have to get a pocket code scanner from autozone or something
    and get the code, since car does not start, would it still give me the
    Sam InPOWELL, Feb 16, 2010
  16. Sam InPOWELL

    jim beam Guest

    1. never drive around with the check engine light on. it's there for a
    reason. find out what the problem is and get it fixed.

    2. if your "mechanic" never reset the light, they're not really a
    mechanic. find someone else who is. [see #1 above.]

    3. absent finding out what the code is, you're wasting people's time.
    you can buy a code reader online for ~$45 or you can borrow one for free
    at most auto parts stores.

    4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc. never drive around with the check engine
    light on. it could be something serious and you could be making it
    worse and costing yourself a lot of money.
    jim beam, Feb 16, 2010
  17. Sam InPOWELL

    jim beam Guest

    unless you've reset the computer or disconnected the battery, yes it will.
    jim beam, Feb 16, 2010
  18. Sam InPOWELL

    Tegger Guest

    When the engine cranks but refuses to fire, does the tach needle jiggle
    just the tiniest amount, or is it dead-still?

    I have a reason for asking this.
    Tegger, Feb 16, 2010
  19. Sam InPOWELL

    Tegger Guest

    The "igniter" is officially known as the Ignition Control Module, or ICM.

    The reason I asked the OP about his tach is that tach behavior when
    cranking is a dead giveaway for a failed igniter.
    Tegger, Feb 16, 2010
  20. Sam InPOWELL

    Clive Guest

    Thank you, I now know what you mean.
    Clive, Feb 16, 2010
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