2000 Accord EX-VL clear coat paint problem.

Discussion in 'Accord' started by fy78901, Mar 9, 2007.

  1. fy78901

    fy78901 Guest

    Hi all,

    I just wonder if anybody has encountered the following problems.

    The front part of my Accord is covered with mud after lawn mowing a
    few days ago
    in the apartment complex and the fact that the ground is saturated
    with water after
    weeks of rain recently in Pacific Northwest. Upon removing the mud, I
    that a few places under the mud has developed bubbles with size closed
    to a penny.
    Apparently, the clear coat paint has turned translucent in those
    places and the area
    has"growed" up like a bubble. I was surprised that happened in the
    bumper as it is
    made of plastic and thus will not rust. There is also a small bubble
    in the hood lid too.

    I don't know exactly what's wrong, but the car has no bubble problems
    before and it is
    mostly used in California before. It looks like some debris kick up
    from the mower or
    the lawn clipper has poked into the clear coat and water vapor trapped
    inside it expanded
    after repeating patterns of sunshine/hot temperature and rains/cold
    days in the last
    couple days.

    Do you have similar experience after rain? If yes, please share your

    fy78901, Mar 9, 2007
  2. fy78901

    Tegger Guest

    wrote in

    Your problem is a poor-quality repaint. That is not factory paint you're
    looking at.
    Tegger, Mar 9, 2007
  3. fy78901

    fy78901 Guest

    I own this car from Day 1 and it has not been repainted according to
    my memory, nor has
    the car been involved in any accident that required paint jobs.

    fy78901, Mar 9, 2007
  4. fy78901

    Tegger Guest

    wrote in


    In that case the mud was probably something out of Episode 45 of the
    X-files. Don't get it on your hands!
    Tegger, Mar 10, 2007
  5. fy78901

    Al G Guest

    I've got a similar problem with a '98 Accord EX. The clear coat on the roof
    at the rear edge is deteriorating. I've checked with the previous owner, and
    the roof has not been painted.

    Al G
    Al G, Mar 14, 2007
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