2000 Accord SE - Reverse Transmission Issue

Discussion in 'Accord' started by robjessica, Nov 5, 2005.

  1. robjessica

    robjessica Guest

    I have a 2000 Accors SE with 115,000 miles. The issue that I have is
    that when you put it in reverse on a level grade it will work as
    expected. However, if there is any time of hill then it will just rev
    but not go any where. Obviously it is something with the transmission
    and the reverse gears. Honda's solution was to replace the entire
    transmission. I'm hopefully I'd have a better choice

    I'm over the transmission warranty by 15,000 miles. Anyone think it
    would be possible to convice Honda by calling the customer service
    department to get them to replace it?
    robjessica, Nov 5, 2005
  2. robjessica

    MLD Guest

    Call---what have you got to lose
    MLD, Nov 5, 2005
  3. robjessica

    Brian Smith Guest

    They only have two choices YES or NO. Give them a ring.
    Brian Smith, Nov 5, 2005
  4. robjessica

    Randy Hunt Guest

    Did you check you fluid level?

    Randy Hunt, Nov 5, 2005
  5. robjessica

    robjessica Guest

    Fluid has been changed, no leakage. I'm figuring they will say tough
    luck. I've talked to some tranmission folks and they have said that
    the reverese is just gears, no clutch. So it is pretty odd that
    something is wrong. Anyone else have a similiar incident and/or know
    how much $$$ to expect to be out?
    robjessica, Nov 6, 2005
  6. robjessica

    Randy Hunt Guest

    I know that the Honda design allows the vehicle to roll back on an
    incline. This is a fuel saving measure. but this sounds like something
    else is going on. I guess I've been lucky with mine. No problems.

    Randy Hunt, Nov 6, 2005
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