2000 Civic Low gas/poor starting

Discussion in 'Civic' started by rob, Aug 15, 2005.

  1. rob

    rob Guest

    I have a 2000 civic dx 5-speed with 85,000 miles. When my gas tank is
    below 1/4 tank, the car doesn’t want to start. It will, but it turns
    over a lot. When the tank is full there is no hestiation at all. I’ve
    replaced the fuel filter, and and gas cap a (thinking a
    vacuum/pressure issue). I’m wondering about the fuel pump. Any
    rob, Aug 15, 2005
  2. I have heard a lot of people report this same problem. It could be a
    tired fuel pump or it could just be as simple as letting the pump prime
    before you try to crank it. You know how you can hear the fuel pump
    kick on when you turn the key to "On"? Well let it go off before you
    hit the starter. It only takes 2 or 3 sec. and it could save you some
    Street Sniper, Aug 16, 2005
  3. Not the obvious thing, but easy to check: try giving the starter a quick
    "bump," wait a second or so, then try cranking when the fuel is low. If the
    pressure in the fuel rail bleeds off you will experience hard starting like
    you describe, and the bump-and-crank procedure allows the fuel pump to
    repressurize the rail before you actually try to start the engine.

    If the bump-and-crank makes the difference, try a bottle of injector cleaner
    first - cheap, quick and easy. The next step is to replace the check valve,
    which is probably in the tank (yuck!) Why the symptoms would care about the
    level of fuel in the tank I don't know, but it *is* an easy test.

    Michael Pardee, Aug 17, 2005
  4. rob

    jim beam Guest

    i second that. same on my 00 civic.
    jim beam, Aug 17, 2005
  5. rob

    BigBrew Guest

    Par for the course.
    BigBrew, Aug 17, 2005
  6. rob

    Randolph Guest

    This is my experience as well (94 civic). The workaround is to turn on
    the ignition (but don't start just yet), wait a few seconds until you
    hear the fuel pump relay turn off, then start the car.

    My personal theory on this is that there is a check valve (well, there
    IS a check valve, that part is not just theory) to maintain system
    pressure when the pump isn't running. I speculate that this check valve
    is in the pump assembly in the tank, and that when the tank is far from
    empty, the whole check valve is submerged in gas. Thus the seals would
    be nice and wet, and the check valve holds pressure. When the fuel level
    is low, the check valve sits above the fuel and the seals dry out and it
    does not seal properly.
    Randolph, Aug 21, 2005
  7. rob

    rob Guest

    Your theory is the same as mine. My hearing is pretty good, but I
    can’t hear anything noticable before hitting the starter. Maybe that’s
    the problem. HMMMM. I’ll have to draft a outside listener before I
    condemn the check valve or pump. Thanks to all. :D
    rob, Aug 23, 2005
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