2001 Accord fuel consumption

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Ghassan Ktabi, Dec 6, 2003.

  1. Hello All,

    Just was wondering what people have been experiencing with their '01
    Accord (4DR, 4Cyl, Automatic) for fuel consumption. I've been monitoring
    mine for the past few weeks. I found that on a 600km trip I used 50L of
    gas - on the highway (12km/L or about 27mpg). In city it's about 170km
    per 25L of gas (6.8 km/L or about 15.5 mpg).

    I would appreciate anyone else's findings or suggestions on improving my
    mileage. Thank you.
    Ghassan Ktabi, Dec 6, 2003
  2. Ghassan Ktabi

    Gilb Guest

    .... this is almost exactly what I see on the highway in my '99 Accord (also
    4dr/4 cyl/automatic).

    I can bank on 725 km on 60 litres of gas, which gives me 8.3 litres per 100
    km, or using your measurement, 12 km / litre.) This is worse than the
    published highway number, but then I have considerable difficulty driving at
    90 km/hr. If I were to do so, the number would be better. If you drive
    between 110 and 120 km, this is what you can expect.

    I think that your conversion from metric to imperial units may be in error.
    It appears to me that you're calculating your miles per gallon in US gallons
    rather than imperial ones.

    12 km / litre * (0.621 mi / km) * (4.55 l / imperial gallon) = 33.9 miles /
    imperial gallon

    or in US units

    12 km / litre * (0.621 mi / km) * (3.78 l / US gallon) = 28 miles / US
    Gilb, Dec 6, 2003
  3. Ghassan Ktabi

    Brian Smith Guest

    I have a '01 Accord V6, that regularly gives me between 34 and 39 mpg on the
    highway and 28 to 32 mpg in town. I use cruise as much as possible, no
    really hard acceleration, and brakes only when absolutely necessary.
    Brian Smith, Dec 6, 2003
  4. Ghassan Ktabi

    paul Guest

    I have a 02' Accord automatic. Running on regular, mixed driving (70%
    highway, 30% local), average about 25-27 miles/ US gallon.
    paul, Dec 8, 2003
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