2001 Civic - Air conditioning, Suspension

Discussion in 'Civic' started by K Lam, Nov 4, 2005.

  1. K Lam

    K Lam Guest

    Hi, I've started reading a.a.honda and r.a.m.honda recently, and find
    that there're nice and very knowledgeable people here. Hope you can give
    me some ideas regarding my 2001 Civic :)

    I live in the Pacific Northwest, where we have dry summers and wet
    winters. That means, I only use the air conditioning mostly during the
    winter. To save gas, I turn off the a/c when the windshield is clear,
    and turn it back on when it fogs up again.

    I don't know whether this practice actually gave me this problem, but
    when I turn on the a/c, it started to give a mouldy/mewdewy smell. I
    don't think breathing this kinda air is very healthy anyway...

    So, my question is: is it easy to take apart the HVAC system (ducts,
    filters etc...) for a thorough cleaning? Is it a DIY job?

    Second question: regarding my rear suspension. The 2001 Civic is known
    to have very soft rear suspension, and the poor rear passengers get
    tossed around for quite a bit. What kind of aftermarket parts exist that
    can improve its ride? (Or even OEM parts that fits the 2001 Civic...)

    Thank you very much!!

    K Lam, Nov 4, 2005
  2. It's such a common complaint with so many cars I am surprised there aren't
    any great kits on the shelves to take care of it.

    The most comprehensive treatment I've seen described (haven't had occasion
    to try it) involves connecting a basketball pump to the evaporator drain
    tube. The pump is filled with rubbing alcohol or straight isopropyl and the
    alcohol is flushed backward into the evaporator drain pan. The OP had us
    fill the drain pan until it ran over and then let it sit a minute or two.
    When the pump is removed the mostly disinfected drain pan contents are
    flushed out.

    The OP indicated the overflow dries quickly without harming the carpet, but
    I think I'd fold an old towel in the passenger floor at least.

    Michael Pardee, Nov 4, 2005
  3. It's such a common complaint with so many cars I am surprised there aren't
    any great kits on the shelves to take care of it.

    The most comprehensive treatment I've seen described (haven't had occasion
    to try it) involves connecting a basketball pump to the evaporator drain
    tube. The pump is filled with rubbing alcohol or straight isopropyl and the
    alcohol is flushed backward into the evaporator drain pan. The OP had us
    fill the drain pan until it ran over and then let it sit a minute or two.
    When the pump is removed the mostly disinfected drain pan contents are
    flushed out.

    The OP indicated the overflow dries quickly without harming the carpet, but
    I think I'd fold an old towel in the passenger floor at least.

    Michael Pardee, Nov 4, 2005
  4. K Lam

    SoCalMike Guest

    its pretty much normal, to some extent.
    i dont think thats anything id want to try. if you want, you could try
    spraying some lysol into the air intake near the hood/wipers while the
    A/C is running *and* set so it takes in outside air, not recirculate.
    itll make your car smell like lysol for a while, but should kill any germs.
    SoCalMike, Nov 4, 2005
  5. K Lam

    SoCalMike Guest

    its pretty much normal, to some extent.
    i dont think thats anything id want to try. if you want, you could try
    spraying some lysol into the air intake near the hood/wipers while the
    A/C is running *and* set so it takes in outside air, not recirculate.
    itll make your car smell like lysol for a while, but should kill any germs.
    SoCalMike, Nov 4, 2005
  6. K Lam

    TeGGeR® Guest

    This really is a FAQ, isn't it?

    Now that I think about it, reports of this tend to crop up when the warm
    weather starts (about the smae time as the Main Relay problems!)

    One more for my list.

    <snip> disinfectant procedure>
    TeGGeR®, Nov 4, 2005
  7. K Lam

    TeGGeR® Guest

    This really is a FAQ, isn't it?

    Now that I think about it, reports of this tend to crop up when the warm
    weather starts (about the smae time as the Main Relay problems!)

    One more for my list.

    <snip> disinfectant procedure>
    TeGGeR®, Nov 4, 2005
  8. K Lam

    K Lam Guest

    Thanks everyone for the tips!! Will try them out to get rid of that smell.

    K Lam, Nov 7, 2005
  9. K Lam

    K Lam Guest

    Thanks everyone for the tips!! Will try them out to get rid of that smell.

    K Lam, Nov 7, 2005
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