2001 civic wont start

Discussion in 'Civic' started by dani, Dec 29, 2005.

  1. dani

    dani Guest

    I cant start my civic all of a sudden. I had this problem before and
    it started with difficulty, after some time, and now it wont start at
    all. Any suggestions?
    dani, Dec 29, 2005
  2. No one is going to be able to answer this question without a lot more

    When you say it wont start, does that mean that the engine turns over
    when the starter is engaged but never fires up?

    Or does that mean that the starter does not turn the engine over at

    Barring catastrophic mechanical failure (which you surely would have
    noticed, right, any loud crunching noises from under the hood?) there
    are only two system failures that can keep the car from starting, fuel
    and ignition. That's where diagnosis starts. You can have fuel
    pressure checked. You can check for spark.

    Apply basic scientific analysis to your problem and you are much more
    likely to have good results than you are by asking a bunch of
    strangers on a Usenet group.

    Now, if you can come back with a list of things you tried,
    systematically, and post the results, one of the knowledgeable persons
    that read this group may be able to help you.

    Elliot Richmond
    Freelance Science Writer and Editor
    Elliot Richmond, Dec 29, 2005
  3. dani

    Remco Guest

    Unfortunately, it can be a dozen things right out of the chute without
    even thinking about it and we don't have enough information to tell you
    which to try first.
    Go to www.tegger.com and follow the no start condition. See how well
    you can describe what is happening to your car and post your findings.

    Remco, Dec 29, 2005
  4. dani

    James Guest

    Are you using a key? Is it the right key? Are you turning the key to the
    start postion? Does the car have a battery? Is the battery connected?
    Does the battery have a charge? Does the car have gas? Is it the right
    type of gas?
    James, Dec 29, 2005
  5. dani

    Elle Guest

    I'd say a truly scientific analysis would have resulted in
    your lurking here a few days to see that, in fact, the group
    has some very specific pointers, and in particular a web
    site a kind regular assembled, to assist this person with
    this condition.
    That's the problem...
    Elle, Dec 29, 2005
  6. Were you directing this to me or to the original poster? If directed
    to me, it seems misplaced. I have lurked on this group for a long
    tiime and even made a small contribution on occassion. If directed to
    the original poster, then it is not very helpful. The other poster has
    already asked the question and can't go back to lurking for a few days
    while his or her car sits in the driveway.

    In either case, it makes no sense and comes across as sounding like
    just a snotty and pointless remark.

    Elliot Richmond
    Freelance Science Writer and Editor
    Elliot Richmond, Dec 30, 2005
  7. dani

    Elle Guest

    More like a response in kind.

    You should get at least a little familiar with
    www.tegger.com/hondafaq , which a group regular assembled
    with no small input (and properly crediting) many members of
    this group. FAQ. Can you spell this?

    I just loathe people who drop titles, unsolicited, except
    that it's an immediate tip-off that one is dealing with
    someone of questionable intelligence.
    Elle, Dec 30, 2005
  8. As Elle, says, start with TeGGeR's FAQ site.
    http://tegger.com/hondafaq/faq.html#startrun will take you a long way. Of
    course, we are assuming the timing belt is not overdue for change.

    Michael Pardee, Dec 30, 2005
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