2001 CRV vibration noise

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by RickaTTic, May 15, 2005.

  1. RickaTTic

    RickaTTic Guest

    My old reliable CRV started making a loud vibration, like the tailpipe
    is rattling at 2300 rpm's and 53 miles per hour. It's a quick
    virbration that disappears above and below that speed but is very loud
    when it happens. The engine has to be pulling fairly hard.

    It sometimes occurs at 2300 in lower gears but not as often.

    The tailpipe and muffler look solidly mounted and the hangers are in
    good shape. Any ideas where it can be coming from? It sounds like
    under the rear portion of the vehicle.

    Thank You
    RickaTTic, May 15, 2005
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