2001 Honda Accord: Ball Joints and Bearings

Discussion in 'Accord' started by bella, Mar 23, 2006.

  1. bella

    bella Guest

    In January of this year I purchased a 2001 Honda Accord, 60k miles.
    Before I bought it I had a mechanic look at the car, and he determined
    that the "Front Left Ball Bearing" needed to be replaced, along with 2
    So the dealer agreed to make the fixes before I drove it home. They
    replaced the Bearing, and put 2 new tires on the car.

    Now its the end of March and all has been fine up to this point.
    Saturday I started noticing that the car had a squeaking sound coming
    from it as I drove. It sounds like metal squeaking and was coming from
    near the tire area. It was especially noticable when going over bumps
    or small hills. Any sort of up-and-down impact driving, and the noise
    would come back.

    I brought the car back to the dealer (I'm under warranty, thank
    goodness) and they put it up on the bay. They said that the squeaking
    sound is coming from bad Upper and Lower Ball Joints in the front and
    it needs to be replaced.

    My questions are:
    --> Do you think this assessment is accurate giving the sounds I was
    hearing? Online I read people usually hear clunking sounds, and have
    trouble steering. I had none of that. It drives great, just the
    squeaking is getting louder and more consistant, on highways too.

    --> Does it seem weird that the car was in fine shape when I bought it,
    and just 2 months later the ball bearing is this bad? They told me
    this is standard maintenance type work on a car, and it's quite
    possible no one could notice it back in January.

    --> Do you think this is related at all to the Ball Joints I had
    replaced, or the new tires?

    bella, Mar 23, 2006
  2. bella

    Bruce Guest

    My 2002 Honda Civic EX makes a squeak noise if I drive over a large
    enough bump... I've been told that this is most likely not a big deal -
    the steering/handling is not effected at all, and there is no other
    noise than the "squeak". I've read that the springs are probably a bit
    corroded and are making the noise when they are compressed. Now mind
    you, it doesn't make the noise all the time as I drive, just when I hit
    pot holes or speed bumps.

    If your squeak happens more often, it very well could be something
    serious... I'd be interested to hear what others think.
    Bruce, Mar 23, 2006
  3. bella

    TeGGeR® Guest

    No such thing as "Left Front Ball Bearing". Perhaps you mean "Left Front
    WHEEL Bearing".

    Squeaky lower ball joints are common.

    What you're reading online is wrong. Squeaking can be a SEIZING balljoint.
    Clunking has little to do with Honda balljoints. You CAN get clunking from
    stabilizer bar link balljoints, such as those on many Toyotas.

    Power steering boost will mask a seizing balljoint, and all you'll get is
    the noise and no increased steering wheel effort.

    Even a loose balljoint can be completely missed by most owners, as they'll
    have got used to the vagueness of the steering. Keep in mind that a car
    with rack-and-pinion steering and worn balljoints will track better than a
    older car with perfect balljoints and a steering box.

    Different from all of that. Coincidence. This is what warranties are for.
    Guess that dealer's sorry he picked up this particular vehicle.
    TeGGeR®, Mar 24, 2006
  4. bella

    bella Guest

    I wanted to post an update of where the car is at, and hear what you

    The work on the upper and lower ball joints on the two front wheels is
    being fixed (and luckily covered by warranty). I was told by the
    mechanic that after doing this, one must do the wheel alignment,
    otherwise I would have steering problems. Turns out the warranty never
    covers wheel alignment, and does not cover taxes on the whole job.
    Also turns out, mechanic told me that the WHOLE job, inc tax and labor
    and alignment and all the upper and lower ball joints on the front 2
    tires.... would have been $700.


    I was shocked, considering I purshased the car mid-January, and now we
    are in Mid-March. That's actually just two months later.

    So, please tell me: Is $700 for that whole job what could be expected?
    He said its not something I would need again for another 90k miles.
    Also, how much is wheel allignment on its own, usually?

    The positive side to this, is I only have to pay $140 out of pocket,
    for what warranty won't cover. And I got a free rental car duing this
    whole saga.

    But still, if I didn't have that warranty..... $700???

    What do you guys think?
    bella, Mar 28, 2006
  5. Are you sure the upper ball joints needed to be replaced? Under normal
    usage, those typically last the entire life of the car. And if this version
    of Accord is like my '93 Accord, the upper joints are integrated into the
    control arms, thereby requiring entire arm replacement. Replacement of the
    lower ball joints is not as unusual. And unlike the upper joints, they are
    not integrated into the control arms.

    A wheel alignment is recommended after having suspension work like this, and
    doesn't cost much--about $50 or so.
    High Tech Misfit, Mar 28, 2006
  6. bella

    TeGGeR® Guest

    They do wear. Mine wore out. Not to the point of falling apart, but there
    was noticeable play.

    The last balljoints left in my front end that are original are the tie
    rods. They do not appear to be worn. All the others either seized or got

    Just like mine. I replaced both whole arms in order to get the new bushings
    as well.

    I just bought an entire bushing set for the rest of the front end ($305
    Cdn). You should see the old damper fork bushings. After 15 years, they're
    sagging badly and are actually delaminating.

    This time I plan to take photographs of the job, unlike when I did the
    rears last year.
    TeGGeR®, Mar 28, 2006
  7. bella

    bella Guest

    Does it sound like then, to replace upper and lower ball joints on both
    front tires, plus labor, plus tax, plus wheel alignment - would cost
    $700 ? ?

    And if this happened 2 months after you bought the car (granted, used),
    would you be as concerned as I am? Or should I just go with the flow
    on this one?
    bella, Mar 28, 2006
  8. bella

    jim beam Guest

    it's very unusual for the ball joints to be gone at only 60k miles.
    unless it was either in a crash or the boots were ruined by someone
    using the incorrect tool, but again, there's no real reason to
    disassemble these joints at only 60k.

    get a breakdown on costs - parts + labor. get second or third opinions,
    including from independent honda repair shops. $700 seems excessive, if
    this work is needed at all.
    jim beam, Mar 28, 2006
  9. Something is wrong. I recently had to have a steering rack replaced under
    warranty. I dropped the car off and then picked it up later with no money
    out of pocket. It included all parts and labor, including an alignment.
    You eigher have a truly crappy warranty or someone is lying to you.
    Alex Rodriguez, Mar 29, 2006
  10. bella

    Elle Guest

    I'm glad someone responded. I too thought something was
    weird about having to pay taxes on a warranty item, for one

    To the OP: If you're in the U.S., I think you should consult
    American Honda's customer service about this, with tact, not
    pointing fingers just yet, but to see if they too
    immediately report what the dealer did sounds fishy and
    deserves some scrutiny. There's a toll free number etc. at
    Elle, Mar 29, 2006
  11. bella

    bella Guest

    Thanks guys, for the advice.
    This is actually not Honday warranty. It's Penn Warranty, and was
    given to me for free for a year by the dealer I bought the car from.
    Does that make a difference in your opinion?

    I picked the car up, and the ball joint problem is fixed. He said he's
    never had a warranty come through there that paid the taxes on a job.
    Total price for the whole thing came to $550, which was less than the
    700 I originally thought. He lowered his labor rate so I wouldnt have
    to pay the difference (his labor rate is normally higher than the
    warranty's labor rate). So in the end, I paid $80 for the allignment,
    and $50 for taxes on the whole job.

    Yes, I'm in the US - east coast.
    bella, Mar 29, 2006
  12. bella

    Elle Guest

    Ah, jeez, no idea. I'd be reading the fine print of the
    warranty's terms.

    I know I didn't pay a cent (not for taxes, the repair, or
    the rental car) the one time my 91 Civic had a Honda Company
    warranty repair (auto seat belt problem).
    Elle, Mar 29, 2006
  13. Sure does. You need to read what is, and isn't covered by the warranty.
    I think you will find the warranty is not worth much more than that paper
    it is written on. That is why the dealer gave it to you for free.
    Alex Rodriguez, Mar 31, 2006
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