2001 Honda Acoord SRS Light On

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Will, Oct 9, 2004.

  1. Will

    Will Guest

    Hi all,

    I had accidently left my sun roof opened overnight during the rain the
    other day. I tried to dry the car to be best of my abilities and the
    next thing I know my SRS light turned on after a few hours of driving.

    Could the beinging on light be related to the wet interior? If so,
    what would I have to do to remedy it short of bringing it to the
    dealer and paying a few hundred dollars.

    Will, Oct 9, 2004
  2. Will

    SoCalMike Guest

    yes. its probably the seat cushion sensors. shopvac, towel, dry it off
    as best you can, and hope for the best. if it doesnt go out in about a
    week or so, looks like a trip to the dealer is in order. maybe a reset
    will cure it, maybe not.

    you could *try* disconnecting the battery and see if that does anything.

    ive got a $99 code scanner that can reset OBD2 codes, but AFAIK, it
    doesnt work on the SRS system :(
    SoCalMike, Oct 9, 2004
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