2001 Prelude SE clicking and loud humming

Discussion in 'Prelude' started by Cosmin N., May 9, 2004.

  1. Cosmin N.

    Cosmin N. Guest

    Just a month ago I bought a 2001 Prelude SE, manual transmission,
    28000km (17000mi), and while I really like the car overall, it has some
    issues that I can't quite figure out. The car is completely stock,
    always maintained at a Honda dealership. I have another 3yr/60000km
    warranty, so everything will be fixed at the dealership.

    There is a clunk coming from the engine that happens RIGHT when 1st gear
    is engaged. It happens rarely, but in all circumstances , dry or wet
    weather, warm or cold engine, etc, seemingly at random. When it does
    happen, it's not very loud, but it's noticeable. The clutch engages
    properly, about half way down, it does not slip. I drove the car around
    today, and I was able to consistently replicate them in 2nd gear as
    well. With the car rolling forward at idle in 2nd, and the clutch fully
    engaged, if I press the gas very lightly, it always clicks. It may click
    if I press the gas harder, but I do not hear it then because of the
    engine reving up.

    Another problem is a loud humming noise coming from the front. It only
    happens when pulling up my driveway (moderate slope up). If I stop on
    the driveway with the wheels slightly to the left, I put it in 1st and
    release the clutch I hear the hum. Closest I can describe it, it sounds
    like a belt is slipping.

    The people on hpoa.org said it might be a throw out bearing that needs
    replacement. What do you guys think? I'm really new to manual
    transmission cars in general, and to Preludes in particular, so I don't
    really know how to troubleshoot these noises yet.

    Cosmin N., May 9, 2004
  2. Cosmin N.

    Cosmin N. Guest

    I take it nobody knows the reason my car is making those noises. I will
    take it to the dealership on Thursday, and hopefully they'll be able to
    sort everything out. If anyone's interested, I'll post an update.

    Cosmin N., May 11, 2004
  3. Cosmin N.

    t thome Guest

    Sounds like a motor mount maybe.

    Also check for mechanical interference with other items under the hood...

    t thome, May 11, 2004
  4. Cosmin N.

    Cosmin N. Guest

    Nope, apparently the clicking is "normal operating noise" on my Prelude.
    The humming is not, but since it couldn't be replicated, I was told to
    wait untill it becomes consistent. Then I should come back and have it
    checked out again.

    Cosmin N., May 13, 2004
  5. Cosmin N.

    TWW Guest

    I wish I could help. I have a 01 Prelude 5 spd with 42k miles and have had
    no problems at all. You might try the Honda Prelude Owners Association at
    TWW, May 16, 2004
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