2001 Prelude uses a lot of oil

Discussion in 'Prelude' started by Rob B, Oct 21, 2003.

  1. Rob B

    Rob B Guest

    Hello all, I've done a google search and have read similar stories.
    Can someone point me in a definative direction though? My 2001
    prelude seems to consume large quantities of oil. About 2 quarts a
    month. (1000 miles?) I do drive the crap out of it, but should it be
    drinking this much oil? It isn't 'burning' it per se (no smoke) and I
    don't have any leaks. What gives? I've read about people talking
    about the 'short block' being replaced... What is this? Any help
    would be appreciated.

    Rob B, Oct 21, 2003
  2. Rob B

    dimmi Guest

    Not only you drove the crap out of your Prelude, also you kicked crap out of
    the piston rings. For the described set up worn piston rings are the only
    cause for the oil "vaporization" ;-) If someone would ever mention valve
    seals as your problem, disregard it. Ask someone to tailgate you. Once you
    shift to the higher gear (at the very first 2-3 seconds) or accelerate VERY
    briskly there must be a grayish-blueish smoke coming out off the muffler.
    Rings for sure. You can also check compression in the cylinders to pinpoint
    which piston is bad. If compression goes beyond the specs add like
    tablespoon of oil in the cylinder, rotate crank twice, then measure
    compression. If it increased - rings are shut. If it is kinda the same -
    valves dont seal, but it is a different story then.
    More about compression test:

    yeah, it requires to mess with your short block (e.g. engine block) to
    replace the rings. Cylinder head has to go off, exhaust, intake manifolds,
    AC, PS. LOTS of disassembly. It is kinda 60-70% of the major engine overhaul
    that needs to be done in your case.

    Advise: sell it.

    One set of rings is about $30-50. You need 4 sets. Once you take out the
    pistons and get a chance to look at the cylinder walls you might discover
    scoring (sand, dirt, etc got into the engine). Then you would have to get
    oversized pistons (4*$40-60), rebore the cylinders ($200-300 at NAPA). Once
    you are there you might want to replace timing belt, tensioner pulley, water
    pump and ALL THAT.

    Sorry for the bad news. Lets see what the other guys have to say.
    dimmi, Oct 21, 2003
  3. Rob B

    Jeff Tamblyn Guest

    You could have a stuck PCV valve.
    Jeff Tamblyn, Oct 21, 2003
  4. Rob B

    twaugh5 Guest

    My 01 uses a quart about every 3,500k miles or so. I understand this is
    pretty typical. USed more when new but has levelled out at current mileage
    31k. I have had some Prelude drivers tell me they run their engines to
    8,000 rpm or so -- have you done the same. If so, I can understand the
    problem. A rebuild (assuming you are out of warranty) will be pretty
    twaugh5, Oct 22, 2003
  5. Rob B

    Rob B Guest

    I do drive a lot in the vtec range, sometimes I guess I do top out in
    the RPMs, but 2 quarts a month? Still seems excessive. I haven't
    seen any blue smoke out the tail pipe, but then again, my window are
    tinted and I can hardly see anything behind be. ;) The car is still
    under warranty for about another 6000 miles. I guess maybe I should
    bring it in to at least start documenting it and have them check it
    out. Anybody else have anything to say so that I can sound half-way
    knowledgable when I bring it into the dealer and they try and tell me
    that it it totally normal to add a quart of oil every two gas
    fill-ups??? Thanks,

    Rob B, Oct 22, 2003
  6. Rob B

    Tom Waugh Guest

    Lucky: Get it into the dealer fast to document the problem. I would guess
    that you did not use any oil when new -- or quite a bit less perhaps along
    my experience.

    I bought an additional warranty for mine -- to 75k miles in case.
    Tom Waugh, Oct 22, 2003
  7. You indicate that consumption is a quart every 500-600 miles. This is
    excessive by any definition. On a car this new, it is outrageous.
    High rpms will increase oil a little but as long as you don't
    regularly take it past redline or otherwise abuse it, the oil
    consumption shouldn't be more than a quart every 2000 miles at this
    stage in the car's life (IMO). Many people drive these cars hard and
    few are serious oil burners. The engine should easily last three

    There isn't as much blue smoke as there used to be because the
    catalyst is removing it (and being damaged in the process.) If you
    are burning this much, I bet people behind you notice.
    I understand that the maximum oil consumption allowable according to
    Honda is 1qt/1000 miles. If you can show it exceeds that (they will
    probably do a test) you should have no problem. Get your maintenance
    documentation together and hustle over there. If your consumption is
    a little less, it can't hurt to document that it was bad before the
    warranty expired.

    If they do a test, it will probably start with an oil change. Make
    sure they aren't using heavier oil than what Honda recommends. (Try
    to get them to use the lightest recommended weight.) If the first
    test is borderline, insist they continue testing until it fails or the
    warranty expires.

    It also helps to have the right attitude. You want to work with them
    to solve the problem. Be a polite nuisance if you don't get immediate
    satisfaction. All the while you are documenting the problem and the
    steps to correct it. You can always scream and threaten to sue them

    Good luck.
    Gordon McGrew, Oct 23, 2003
  8. Rob B

    dimmi Guest

    ask somebody else to tailgate you. It is kinda dumb if you are trying to see
    your tail pipe sitting in front of the steering wheel.

    rings, rings, rings...
    dimmi, Oct 23, 2003
  9. Rob B

    zoomzoom Guest

    I've got an 01 too. From what I've read at other boards, they say
    that it is "normal" to use up a quart/litre between oil changes - or
    even possibly more as in your case. I drive my car conservatively and
    hardly hit Vtec - or for that matter I hardly go over 5000RPM and am
    always around 3000 to 4500RPM. Between oil changes (say 5000KM), I
    would estimate I have to add a litre of oil. Even at a litre per
    5000KM, I would say it is on the excessive side of things compared
    with other cars I've owned - the other cars barely used any oil -and I
    do mean barely.

    Some of the "reasons" that I've read about the oil usage in
    Preludes(and I can't verify if any are facts):

    1. Oil is sprayed to cool <some piece of equipment> and therefore, the
    oil is *burned* up.

    2. Use of Vtec increases oil consumption.

    3. The fibre reinforced engine block is causing the oil to seap
    through the rings.

    4. Apparently some owners do see 0% usage - they have a diffent set
    of rings on their cars (Honda switched manufacturers).

    5. It's the PCV valve.

    6. If you run synthetic, you'll notice it more. With conventional
    oil, it is not as noticable (by the way, I am using conventional oil
    in my 01)

    7. It's a race engine - it's suppose to use that much oil.

    8. The engine wasn't broken in properly (I drove it for the first
    1500KM varying the RPMs and made it a point NOT to go into VTEC mode -
    I believe I hit Vtec once or twice when I hit 5000KM on the engine...
    I barely hit VTEC in my driving style.)

    I have no idea... a co-worker of mine has a 97 prelude and his also
    uses oil. Another co-worker has a 2001 Integra GSR which has VTEC and
    he hardly uses any oil and this guy hits Vtec quite often. It's
    normal for a car to use oil, but I would have to say that the Preludes
    tends to be on the thirsty side. Most prelude owners just tend to
    live with the fact they have to top up the oil every so often.
    zoomzoom, Oct 23, 2003
  10. Rob B

    Rob B Guest

    I noticed one of the replies suggested that using synthetic oil could
    exacerbate the issue. I was using synthetic up until the last top ups
    where I used regular. It was starting to get expensive topping up 2-4
    quarts a month with sythetic. Maybe if I switch to regular oil the
    problem will become less noticeable... Any case, I'm bringing it into

    Rob B, Oct 23, 2003
  11. Rob B

    Paul Bielec Guest

    My parents had an oil consumtion problem with their Civic while it was still
    under warranty.
    They start with an oil change (of course they check for leaks first) and
    then monitor your oils consumpion for 3 or 6 moths. So you have to go to
    Honda regularly and they'll top it and write down how much it needed.
    Your consumption has to be higher than 1liter/1500km (so about a quart/1000
    Make sure that you see which oil they put in (right weight).
    Of course they will not do anything about it unless you're still under the
    Paul Bielec, Oct 23, 2003
  12. Rob B

    dimmi Guest

    I am not in any way a specialist in the oils, however, I know that molecules
    in the synthetic oils are smaller than in mineral. It means that where
    mineral oil gets stuck, synthetic will leak.
    dimmi, Oct 23, 2003
  13. ----------------------
    I think the two best answers are: 1- Stuck PCV valve, 2- Bad break-in
    period, and in that order.


    'Curly Q. Links', Oct 24, 2003
  14. Rob B

    dimmi Guest

    I don't believe that stuck PCV would cause such a disastrous oil
    dimmi, Oct 24, 2003
  15. Rob B

    Tom Waugh Guest

    Supposedly there are "sprayers" that cool the pistons on the downstroke.
    The 2.2 Prelude is older technology -- believe it came out about 10 years
    ago at 190 hp. That may be the difference between the GSR.
    Tom Waugh, Oct 25, 2003
  16. My GS-R came out ten years ago. I bought it used six years ago. Now
    has 115K on it. I drive it pretty hard when I can. Change the oil
    twice a year (5 - 6K on Mobil 1). On its third clutch - seem to last
    about 50K before the springs get beaten out of their keeps. It burns
    maybe a quart every 2K. Not unacceptable to me given the above facts.
    Gordon McGrew, Oct 25, 2003
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