2002 Accord locks itself

Discussion in 'Accord' started by letsgoff, Sep 14, 2005.

  1. letsgoff

    letsgoff Guest

    I have a 2002 Accord SEV model that occasionally locks itself, even when
    nobody is around. Idiot service mgr says the security system is SUPPOSED
    to do that. Not true. It only happens once in a while and not always under
    the same conditions. I suspect a faulty sensor somewhere. Anybody got any
    ideas that I can pass on the Honda service people? Thanx
    letsgoff, Sep 14, 2005
  2. letsgoff

    Jason Guest

    Try this experiment:
    1. lock the car with your remote.
    2. unlock the car with your remote but don't open the car door.
    3. Watch the lock while standing outside the car--it will probably go down

    If so, this is the way it was designed to work. I was told that Honda
    designed it this way in case the owner accendently pressed the unlock on
    the remote while placing the keys in a pocket or purse. I don't like this
    Jason, Sep 15, 2005
  3. letsgoff

    HPGrn Guest

    My Mercedes is the same way....sometimes it locks itself sitting in
    the garage. Never can figure out why.
    HPGrn, Sep 15, 2005
  4. letsgoff

    Steppenwolf Guest

    In my 2004 Accord, if I unlock the doors with the remote, and then don't
    open a door within 30 seconds, they will relock and the security system will
    go back on. If I use the remote to roll down all the windows and don't open
    a door and it relocks itself, and I then reach through a window to unlock
    the door from the inside, the alarm will go off. This is clearly outlined in
    the owners manual, and is a feature I like very much. If your car is
    relocking under conditions other than these, such as closing the door and
    NOT using the remote to lock it, perhaps something else is going on, such as
    a relay problem, or a problem with the remote key itself.
    Steppenwolf, Sep 15, 2005
  5. letsgoff

    letsgoff Guest

    It appaers to be working just as you described. It came as a surprise to
    me.......as it is NOT described my owners manual.

    Thanx to all for the prompt replies.
    letsgoff, Sep 15, 2005
  6. letsgoff

    Jason Guest

    Glad to have helped. That feature also surprised me the first time that it
    Jason, Sep 15, 2005
  7. letsgoff

    letsgoff Guest

    Thanks. It appears to work that way. It is NOT descibed in my owners
    handbook so I was confused.
    letsgoff, Sep 17, 2005
  8. letsgoff

    SoCalMike Guest

    simple miscommunication between the engineers who designed the system,
    and the technical writers who wrote the manual.
    SoCalMike, Sep 17, 2005
  9. letsgoff

    Steppenwolf Guest

    In my 2004 Accord EX handbook, it is on pages 84/85, under the heading
    "Remote Transmitter"...
    Steppenwolf, Sep 17, 2005
  10. My '03 Accord EX will relock the doors if no door is opened within 30
    seconds of unlocking them with the remote.

    Now, I have rented cars which automatically lock the doors after 1-2
    minutes even with the keys in the ignition (Taurus a few years ago) -
    made for an exciting day at the car wash! IIRC my '88 Integra did the
    same thing (ignition in OFF position).
    Sparky Spartacus, Sep 20, 2005
  11. Any chance you missed it?

    From the Keys & LOcks section, pg. 81 in my Accord 2003 Owner's Manual:

    (all models except DX)

    "If you unlock the doors with the remote transmitter, but do not open
    any of the doors within 30 seconds, the doors automatically relock and
    the security system resets."
    Sparky Spartacus, Sep 20, 2005
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