2002 Honda CRV Fuel Indicator Light

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by Skippy, Jun 9, 2006.

  1. Skippy

    Skippy Guest

    For the past 5 months, my Honda CRV fuel inidcator light intermittently
    comes on. After a trip, the light goes off. It has had 6 computer analysis
    tests and no one found anything . The other day it almost stalled out
    because it did not seem to get the proper gas. I cannot afford anymore tests.
    The cars has 72,000 miles and I do not put alot of miles during the week.
    Maybe 150 miles a week. Also, it first started fish biting like it got some
    bad gas5 months ago. Does anyone know what the problem is?
    Skippy, Jun 9, 2006
  2. Skippy

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Be more specific. Is this particular light the
    "LOW FUEL" light that is inside the gas gauge,
    or is it the "CHECK ENGINE" light?

    Fairly important distinction here, you know.
    TeGGeR®, Jun 10, 2006
  3. It is the check engine light. I am only repeating what the mecahnic told me.

    Skippy via CarKB.com, Jun 10, 2006
  4. Skippy

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Then the mechanic needs to use his OBD-II scanner to read the numeric error
    code that is now stored in the engine's computer.

    If you are in the US, some chain stores (AutoZone comes to mind) will read
    this code for you for free.
    TeGGeR®, Jun 10, 2006
  5. Thanks for the tip. I will do that today. It is frustrating when you keep
    taking to places and no one can find out what is wrong with it.

    Skippy via CarKB.com, Jun 11, 2006
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