2002 Honda Odyssey Tires

Discussion in 'Odyssey' started by O Man, Jun 15, 2004.

  1. O Man

    O Man Guest

    I have less than 40K on my 2002 Honda Odyssey tires and they need to be
    replaced. Have other people had this problem.

    What tire would you recommend for a replacement. I checked TireRack and
    they had a nice Bridgestone.
    O Man, Jun 15, 2004
  2. Yes.

    http://www.odyclub.com for details
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jun 15, 2004
  3. O Man

    Derek Clarke Guest

    I personally think that the Toyo 800 Ultras are the way to go. :)
    Derek Clarke, Jun 16, 2004
  4. I replaced tires on my '00 Odyssey at 54,000 miles. Original tires
    were Michellin Symmetry's and we upgraded to Michellin Harmony tires
    with 80k warranty. The Symmetry tires had approx a 60k warranty but we
    expect to keep the van for several years and wanted to buy the best.
    The Toyo tires are also a great tire but not available in this area
    any longer so we made the above change.
    Good luck, Ron
    Phyl/Ron Johnson, Jun 19, 2004
  5. O Man

    bearman Guest

    Are the Harmony tires quieter than the Symmetrys?

    bearman, Jun 19, 2004
  6. Despite the additional 20k warranty, the Harmony tires seem to be as
    quiet as the Symmetry tires.
    We have some blacktop surfaces in our neighborhood that, at slow
    speeds, tend to be a good test on road noise and the Harmony line seems
    as quiet as the Symnetry line.
    Both are virtually silent at highway speed. Incidentally, the Harmony
    tires balanced with as little as 1/4 oz. on the total mounted wheel
    assembly. One tire took 1 oz. on the inside and 1/4 oz. on the outside
    so the tire mold is pretty darn good in manufacturing.
    Phyl/Ron Johnson, Jun 21, 2004
  7. O Man

    bearman Guest

    The reason I asked about the noise of Harmony tires is that my 2000 Ody is
    not very quiet in the interior. And I'm not sure if the Symmetry tires
    contribute to that or not. Anyway, thanks for the response.

    bearman, Jun 21, 2004
  8. Re. the interior noise of the Odyssey, we think the "well" for the spare
    as well as for the third seat might have some resonating noise.
    Though I don't think it is particularly objectionable, all things
    considered with the Odyssey, I have fashioned a "blue board" insulating
    item which sits on top of the spare to see if it helped. Also tried
    some closed cell insultating material, but really can't tell enough
    difference to matter.
    An interesting side note....until the '05 Chrysler vans came out, they
    pointed at those two "wells" in the Odyssey as source of noise and vowed
    that Chrysler would NEVER go that that design. Guess what, the Ford new
    van, the 05 Chrysler vans, and the Sienna vans have all gone to the
    Honda third seat into the floor. I guess that the market place dictates
    more than the earlier sales pitches by the late comers, huh?
    Phyl/Ron Johnson, Jun 21, 2004
  9. O Man

    Chris Guest

    The O.E.M. tires that the Odyssey comes with are junk. I have a 2001 EXL,
    and had the same problem- ironically at the same mileage! I went with the
    Michelin HydroEdge, and they are incredible!! They truly shine in
    Good Luck!
    Chris, Jun 27, 2004
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