2003 Accord Cruise Control

Discussion in 'Accord' started by highkm, Feb 14, 2008.

  1. highkm

    highkm Guest

    The cruise control disengages after about 1 hour of use. Has anyone
    ever attempted servicing the unit by themself? I am planning to do
    just that. Just curious as to how difficult, and what to expect.
    highkm, Feb 14, 2008
  2. highkm

    Jeff Guest

    There is nothing inside the speed control to service. There is nothing
    to replace or adjust.

    Good luck.

    Jeff, Feb 14, 2008
  3. highkm

    motsco_ Guest

    motsco_, Feb 15, 2008
  4. highkm

    jim beam Guest

    have you ever considered that it may switch off after 60 minutes for
    safety reasons?
    jim beam, Feb 15, 2008
  5. highkm

    motsco_ Guest


    That's an interesting point. It would probably be an aftermarket unit,
    but maybe it's in the owner's manual :


    It sounds unsafe, since some goof could be tailgating you at 120 Km /Hr
    when it happens.

    motsco_, Feb 15, 2008
  6. highkm

    E Meyer Guest

    I've been using cruise controls religiously since the '60 Imperial I had in
    high school (42 years ago) and have never encountered one, including on the
    2000 and 2006 hondas, that cut off after 60 minutes. They just don't do
    that intentionally.

    There are about 10 pages of trouble shooting and tests for the cruise
    control in both the 2000 and 2006 FSMs. I would first check for loose
    electrical connectors, then get hold of the repair manual for this car to
    find out what to do (www.helminc.com).
    E Meyer, Feb 15, 2008
  7. highkm

    highkm Guest

    I am near 400,000Km.
    highkm, Feb 15, 2008
  8. highkm

    highkm Guest

    After it disengages, if I set it again it disengages after a minute.
    If I leave it alone for about 15 minutes and set the cruise, it lasts
    longer maybe 10 minutes or more. Maybe it cooled off a bit. Don't know.
    highkm, Feb 15, 2008
  9. highkm

    motsco_ Guest


    Wow, It doesn't owe you anything, I guess. Your cable is probably way
    out of adjustment. Mine was at only 250,000 Km. The adjuster at the
    vacuum unit needs to be cranked out, making the sheath longer (cable
    shorter), so get out your 12 mm open end wrench. Mine was about 3/8"
    out, maybe a 1/2.

    motsco_, Feb 15, 2008
  10. highkm

    Dave Kelsen Guest

    I have a 2003 Accord - and the Helm manual - and I have to replace the
    cruise control switch in the steering wheel. I'm talking about the
    switch that turns the cruise control function on and off. If I hold
    that button down, my CC light stays on, and I can set the cruise
    control. If I just press the button (but don't hold it down), the light
    flashes quickly on and then back off, and the cruise control does not
    work. So it's that switch.

    I hope to get a weekend with a little down time to look into it; if I do
    so soon, I'll be glad to share any information I may glean.

    Dave Kelsen
    Dave Kelsen, Feb 15, 2008
  11. highkm

    jim beam Guest

    ok, a heat-induced fault sounds plausible.
    jim beam, Feb 16, 2008
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