2003 Accord I4 leaking power steering fluid

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Sean D, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. Sean D

    Sean D Guest


    I had my type C service (32,000 KM) done a little over a month ago and
    everything supposedly checked out fine, including the fluid check. I went
    to check my fluid today (currently at 36,000 KM) and noticed that my power
    steering fluid is about an inch below the min line. For such a small amount
    of mileage and time, this seems to indicate a pretty serious leak. I plan
    on calling the dealer tomorrow to have this checked out but I was wondering
    if anyone here has encountered this problem on any 2003 or 2004 Accords? Is
    there anything I should know or possible a known weakness that I could point
    my dealer towards?

    After a year of fighting various rattles and finally silencing most of them
    I was finally starting to love this car like I did when it was new. Now
    this happens. I'm not about to go screaming "lemon" because of one problem
    but this car definitely seems to have some bad luck. Especially since my
    brakes are insanely dusty and I'm feeling some feedback from the brake
    pedal. AFAIK this is the early stage of a warped rotor but it's not
    noticeable yet for the mechanic to pick up on it. I only notice it because
    I'm familiar with the car. Oh well, I'll deal with that if and when it gets
    worse. Right now the priority is obviously getting my power steering fixed.
    My dealer is usually insanely booked up but I would assume they could
    squeeze me in as an emergency since power steering is safety related.
    Anyway, I'm rambling, any help or information would be appreciated.

    Sean D, Jul 21, 2004
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