2003 Accord Windshield Washer problem

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Steve L, Feb 9, 2010.

  1. Steve L

    Steve L Guest

    My son has a 2003 Accord that he lent me for a week, while he isn't using
    it. I noticed (here in winter New England) that the drivers side windshield
    washer just dribbles a little bit of fluid, while the passenger side is a
    normal full blast squirt.

    So I figure it's got to be a serial circuit of some sort from passenger side
    to driver side of the fluid hose. I popped the hood and the hoses are not
    exposed, they are under this metal cowl that has no apparent method of
    lifting off. There are two little metal tabs on the cowl, near the drivers
    side nozzle that look like they might be the key to getting access to that
    side, but no matter how I push them I don't seem to be able to dislodge that

    What I do know as that a year ago he had that side windshield wiper
    motor/blade mechanism worked on as something sheered when he didn't scrape
    the windshield on a iced up windshield morning. So perhaps a mechanic
    dislodged something on the washer when working on the wiper. ...maybe.. it's
    a theory.

    Any help as to how I get in there to look around and figure out what's
    wrong? Or is this a dealer only gig?

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Steve L, Feb 9, 2010
  2. Steve L

    pws Guest

    Have you checked to be sure that the spray nozzle is not partially
    clogged with something like wax?
    pws, Feb 9, 2010
  3. Steve L

    Steve L Guest

    Thanks for that good common sense tip. No I haven't. But I suppose it could
    be that a small piece of gunk of some sort is blocking the nozzle. Maybe a
    small pin to clean the nozzle is in order as a first check.

    I'll do that first thing tomorrow AM.
    Steve L, Feb 10, 2010
  4. Steve L

    pws Guest

    I could be wrong on it, but checking that is fast, free and easy. I used
    a sewing needle last time and completely cleared both nozzles and
    adjusted the angle that the fluid sprays while it was in there.

    Please let us know if that does it. If not, someone more knowledgeable
    than me should have a suggestion.
    pws, Feb 10, 2010
  5. Steve L

    Clete Guest

    I am curious how you adjusted the angle of spray.
    Clete, Feb 10, 2010
  6. Steve L

    Brian Smith Guest

    With the needle or pin inserted in the washer jet, just aim the jet in
    the direction you wish the spray to hit the windshield.
    Brian Smith, Feb 10, 2010
  7. Steve L

    pws Guest

    What he said. I have not adjusted them on a Honda, but I am guessing
    that the system is pretty universal for modern cars.
    pws, Feb 10, 2010
  8. "Steve L" wrote
    A month ago I took my car in for a wash. The outside temperatures were well
    below freezing, and guess what happened when I tried using the washers?
    Frozen. Jamming a pin down each nozzle helped free up some of the waxy? ice,
    but not all. I had to wait for the weather to warm up before I could again
    use the washers.
    Howard Lester, Feb 10, 2010
  9. Steve L

    Clete Guest

    Next time use a hair dryer on it or hot water.
    Clete, Feb 10, 2010
  10. Steve L

    Brian Smith Guest

    You could have poured some windshield washer fluid over the nozzles.
    That would have freed them up and the warmth from the engine would have
    taken care of the hoses going to them.
    Brian Smith, Feb 10, 2010
  11. Steve L

    Guy Guest

    Would that fluid hurt the paint ? I haven't used that stuff since I
    left NY. Now I use water and vinegar mix because I'm in the south. I
    did use that stuff in NY because of the freezing temps.
    Guy, Feb 10, 2010
  12. Steve L

    Steve L Guest

    Well I tried cleaning out the nozzle.. but no joy.

    I still can't figure out how to get under that cowl. I think I'm going to
    call my local Honda dealer. They've been good to me so far and let them fix

    They made damn sure no one was going to get under that cowl and look at
    those hoses unless they knew the secret handshake.
    Steve L, Feb 11, 2010
  13. Steve L

    Brian Smith Guest

    I have never seen (or heard of) any damage done to any paint job due to
    windshield washer fluid, Guy. Think about it, when one uses the
    windshield washers, the fluid goes on the paint as it runs off the
    windshield and for those people who never seem to adjust their nozzles
    properly, the fluid hits the vehicles behind their vehicle.
    Brian Smith, Feb 11, 2010
  14. Steve L

    Guy Guest

    Yep, makes sense.
    Now tell those drives to fix their nozzles ahead <grin>.
    Guy, Feb 11, 2010
  15. Steve L

    Brian Smith Guest

    One would expect them to adjust the aim, once they see the fluid going
    nowhere near their windshields.
    Brian Smith, Feb 11, 2010
  16. Steve L

    Guy Guest

    Sounds logical but I might disagree. I see too many who can't even
    clean their back window or do clean it as a small round shape to see
    thru. I'm sure you know the kind so I'm thinking if they can't do
    that, can you imagine them trying to take the time to clean a spitter
    (nozzle) ? I'll keep my fingers crossed that you are right.
    Guy, Feb 11, 2010
  17. Steve L

    Brian Smith Guest

    Some people are capable of doing things properly, while others
    shouldn't be permitted outside without adult supervision.
    Brian Smith, Feb 11, 2010
  18. Steve L

    Guy Guest

    LOL.... so true !!!!

    (thanks for making me laugh... it felt good)
    Guy, Feb 11, 2010
  19. Steve L

    Steve L Guest

    Well no joy on the fix for my drivers side nozzle.

    I've tried cleaning it with a small safety pin, and then heat gunning the
    whole thing.. but no joy.

    Mr. Honda service manager says bring it in and we'll look at it, so I'm off
    to have them diag and hopefully repair this afternoon. I'll sit in the
    waiting room like an expectant father. Nervous and anxious and taking
    con-calls for business.

    I'll ask them to aim the nozzles if they fix the squirt.
    Steve L, Feb 11, 2010
  20. Steve L

    Guy Guest

    Steve, if you don't mind, keep us posted on the fix. thanks.
    Guy, Feb 11, 2010
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