2003 Accords

Discussion in 'Accord' started by highkm, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. highkm

    highkm Guest


    Does anyone know how to unplug the odometer in 2003 or newer Accords?

    highkm, Jun 6, 2007
  2. highkm

    Brian Smith Guest

    You're welcome.
    Brian Smith, Jun 6, 2007
  3. highkm

    jim beam Guest

    for what purpose?
    jim beam, Jun 7, 2007
  4. highkm

    Guest Guest

    Why do u think? :)
    Guest, Jun 7, 2007
  5. highkm

    jim beam Guest

    because "u" want to do something illegal?

    sorry to disappoint, but modern engine computers store it independent of
    anything on the gauges so you're out of luck.
    jim beam, Jun 8, 2007
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