2003 CR-V engine feels very heavy

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by LC, Feb 21, 2005.

  1. LC

    jim beam Guest

    is doesn't matter the location of the injectors - you still have a
    throttle on any gasoline engine to control air flow. even "fly by wire"
    gasoline engines use throttles.
    they shut off while coasting, i.e. if you take your foot off the gas on
    a down grade, slowing down, etc. the map conditions are typically rpm's
    over 2k, speed over 30mph, but it varies with different cars.
    my analyzer doesn't show zero pulse width either, but then it doesn't
    store thousands of points to allow for individual pulse inspection.
    besides, you'll almost never see fully shut off injectors while you have
    the motor in the workshop.

    if you want an example of basic injection systems, including cut-off,
    check out:
    but there's a ton of books & other stuff out there about how these
    things work.

    also worth checking out is:
    http://www.bgsoflex.com/megasquirt.html if you want to roll your own system.
    jim beam, Mar 7, 2005
  2. Well, we'll have to agree to disagree !! I've seen the evidence on hundreds of
    cars (mainly Hyundai and Nissan.....Hyundai data is actually faster out of the
    scanner than Nissan) and have had many courses about injection architecture and
    operation, and I have to work with what I have learned and what I observe in
    reality every day.

    D.Mills - Licensed Automotive Technician.
    David and Tracey Mills, Mar 8, 2005
  3. LC

    jim beam Guest

    i don't think this is a "agree to disagree" issue - this is about the
    service tech saying they know more about a system than the guys that
    built the stuff in the first place - which is highly unlikely - and
    /then/ shutting the book as if there's nothing more to be learned on the

    ignorance is temporary. willful ignorance is not.
    jim beam, Mar 8, 2005
  4. LC

    Dave Kelsen Guest

    Jim, I'm confused. As I see it, David here is a service tech. He's
    saying that the book & classes he has taken in his profession, as well
    as his professional experience, tell him that the injectors in fact do
    not altogether shut off. Who are the guys who built the stuff in the
    first place in this disagreement, and what is their take on the issue?
    Note that I have no idea whatsoever who's right, and make no claim to.

    Dave Kelsen
    Dave Kelsen, Mar 8, 2005
  5. LC

    jim beam Guest

    the guys that built the stuff are like those cited in my links. check
    the megasquirt code:

    ** If (RPM > 15 (corresponding to 1500 RPM)) then (fuel cut mode):
    ** {
    ** 1) Set TPSACCEL value to TPSDQ
    ** 2) Set TPSDEN bit in ENGINE
    ** 3) Go to EGO Delta Step Check Section
    ** }

    or buy something like the bosch automotive handbook.

    if i appear rude to d.mills, i apologize for my tone, but not my
    content. i've no disrespect for service techs, heck, i even qualified
    as one too, but having done a whole bunch of engineering & electronics
    before hand, i can tell you authoritatively that the stuff taught at the
    technician level is somewhat absent the same detail used at the systems
    design & engineering level.
    jim beam, Mar 9, 2005
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