2003 CRV Fires

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by olly, Dec 5, 2003.

  1. olly

    olly Guest

    Thanks. I'll bet I find it...

    olly, Jan 5, 2004
  2. olly

    Dick Watson Guest

    Keep us posted with facts.
    Dick Watson, Jan 5, 2004
  3. olly

    olly Guest

    Thanks George. I agree with everything you said. Honda told me they
    never heard of my problem. Funny how my search turned up two with
    little effort(including one that was right in front of them on the
    NHTSA website (and I KNOW Honda knew about that one). In fact, it was
    in the next state over - the same region.

    I do not know why Honda is burying their head. As you say, I would
    think Honda would want to know...and fast. A car flames at 8200 miles
    (one flamed at 2900 miles) and Honda says it is not a defect!!!!! Then
    what is it, I say. Don't know, they say, but we KNOW it aint no
    defect.....Really....They did not buy the cars back that I know of and
    I thiink I would know
    Since the numbers on the NHTSA website are usually a fraction of the
    total, I suspect I'll have no problem finding more...and the insurance
    companies are looking closely.

    I am hoping others see this and post

    olly, Jan 6, 2004
  4. olly

    Hai Pham Guest


    How did you get it from NHTSA website, I went there I could not find it.


    Hai Pham
    Hai Pham, Jan 6, 2004
  5. It certainly seems like a big clue that the fires (we're up to 6 so
    far) have all occurred right after being serviced by a (different)
    dealer. (BTW, the fires have occurred on cars in NH, VT, MA, ME and
    CO. All the same year and model.) An oil leak at the filter was
    certainly one of my first suspicions, however after having a close
    look at the placement of the filter, relative to the exhaust
    manifold/cat converter, it seems very unlikely. Also, if you've ever
    looked at a Honda oil filter (or one from almost any Japanese
    manufacturer) you know that the gasket (in fact an o-ring) is pretty
    well attached to the filter. In all my years of changing the oil in
    various Japanese cars (or any car for that matter), I've never had the
    gasket stick to the block. Of course, out of 100,000 oil changes, one
    might argue that most anything is likely. However, there are still at
    least three problems with this explanation:

    1. I haven't been able to find ANY reports of an engine fire in any
    previous model years of CRV. Why not? Statistically, that's a lot more
    oil changes.

    2. A report from at least one of the insurance investigators indicated
    that the fire was centered more in the area of the brake master
    cylinder, not near the oil filter.

    3. Why does it always seem to be occurring in <10K miles, at one of
    the first services? That makes me wonder if it isn't more likely to be
    related to recall work (of which there have been two or three on this
    model). Or perhaps it's like infant mortality - the few cars with the
    (presumed) flaw are being weeded out early in their life cycle.

    As far as having my mind made up, I would simply say that I believe
    it's "Honda's" responsibility, whether it turns out to be in the
    design of the vehicle or in their authorized dealer's service
    procedures. It's not a particular dealer, and it's sure as hell not
    supposed to be the customer who's left holding the bag (of ashes).

    I could do without the "chicken little" remark. I don't consider
    "thinking about selling it", while I wait for further data, a
    knee-jerk response (any more than the two-gasket theory is).
    David Salerno, Jan 6, 2004
  6. olly

    olly Guest

    They are tough to find
    1. "search complaints"
    "2003 CRVs"
    "Electrical system-front underhood"

    2. "search complaints"
    "2003 CR-Vs" (NOTICE THE dash in this one)
    "Electrical system-front underhood"

    3. "search complaints"=20
    "2003 CR-Vs" (NOTICE THE dash in this one)
    "engine and engine cooling"

    The component should not be considered definitive. It is just a
    convenienet place to put it

    olly, Jan 7, 2004
  7. olly

    KWW Guest

    I appreciate your posting it. this is a good form for people with common
    problems to discover one another and possibly precipitate action.
    KWW, Jan 7, 2004
  8. olly

    MGK Guest

    If these things are catching fire the public needs to know.
    The automakers don't want recalls for fires just remember the Pinto and
    recently the Crown Victoria.
    Stop believing that Honda is always right.
    MGK, Jan 7, 2004
  9. olly

    olly Guest

    THANK YOU. Something is wrong with these vehicles and blowing
    customers off does not seem right. Honda is supposed to have such a
    stellar customer service record, yet when 6 cars blow up they all of a
    sudden don't want to talk to us. You would think that is WHEN they
    should start talking. In my case, I never asked for more than for them
    to honor warranty. Don't forget I lost a few hundred dollars in the
    fire (CDs, gameboys, personal items that smelled like smoke) not to
    mention the emotional toll it took on my kids. You would think Honda
    would be all over me to make me happy, very short money. They were
    willing to insult a 20 year customer...now why do you suppose a
    company would do something like that - p@@@ off a loyal customer? The
    stakes must have been pretty high. Fortunately with these postings now
    I know why. I was willing to take another car and say how great Honda
    was. Now I think they are hiding something. My satisfaction is when
    NHTSA announces investigation or recall
    olly, Jan 7, 2004
  10. olly

    olly Guest

    There have now been SEVEN reported 03 and 04 engine fires
    olly, Jan 17, 2004
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