2003 Honda Accord 4 cyl gas mileage on the highway

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Rob, Sep 6, 2005.

  1. Rob

    flobert Guest

    Dunno if this last paragraph was directed at me or not. Engine is most
    efficient at arond its peak torque area. (at least for non vtec
    engines) I'm not sure about them, having not had much experiance of
    them. I personally didn't learn about anything at high school (since
    i'm not american, and thus never went to one) but what i learnt about
    cars, i learnt in my teens, working on my fathers rally car, and doing
    the old economy rally's. Those were fun, slingshotting the car around
    the peak torque area, and using a saab freewheeling unit in between.
    flobert, Sep 10, 2005
  2. Rob

    flobert Guest

    Dunno if this last paragraph was directed at me or not. Engine is most
    efficient at arond its peak torque area. (at least for non vtec
    engines) I'm not sure about them, having not had much experiance of
    them. I personally didn't learn about anything at high school (since
    i'm not american, and thus never went to one) but what i learnt about
    cars, i learnt in my teens, working on my fathers rally car, and doing
    the old economy rally's. Those were fun, slingshotting the car around
    the peak torque area, and using a saab freewheeling unit in between.
    flobert, Sep 10, 2005
  3. Rob

    Dave Guest

    I think that is close, but at peak torque, most if not all engines
    go into fuel enrichment. So, they won't be terribly efficient
    there. Highest efficiency is typically about 20% or so below the
    peak torque for that rpm judging from the fair number of brake
    specific fuel consumption maps I've seen. That's still a very high
    throttle setting which you won't see in typical cruise.
    Dave, Sep 10, 2005
  4. Rob

    Dave Guest

    I think that is close, but at peak torque, most if not all engines
    go into fuel enrichment. So, they won't be terribly efficient
    there. Highest efficiency is typically about 20% or so below the
    peak torque for that rpm judging from the fair number of brake
    specific fuel consumption maps I've seen. That's still a very high
    throttle setting which you won't see in typical cruise.
    Dave, Sep 10, 2005
  5. Rob

    flobert Guest

    Possibly a difference between US and EU tunes
    flobert, Sep 10, 2005
  6. Rob

    flobert Guest

    Possibly a difference between US and EU tunes
    flobert, Sep 10, 2005
  7. Rob

    slim Guest

    Why not keep up with the pace of traffic rather then being an hazard?


    Donald Rumsfeld: "If you're asking if there's a direct
    link between 9/11 and Iraq, the answer is no."

    On May 01, 2003, President Bush declared that,
    "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended."

    "I'm the commander -- see, I don't need to explain --
    I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the
    interesting thing about being the president.
    Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they
    say something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody
    an explanation. "
    - George "Dubya" Bush
    slim, Sep 11, 2005
  8. Rob

    slim Guest

    Why not keep up with the pace of traffic rather then being an hazard?


    Donald Rumsfeld: "If you're asking if there's a direct
    link between 9/11 and Iraq, the answer is no."

    On May 01, 2003, President Bush declared that,
    "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended."

    "I'm the commander -- see, I don't need to explain --
    I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the
    interesting thing about being the president.
    Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they
    say something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody
    an explanation. "
    - George "Dubya" Bush
    slim, Sep 11, 2005
  9. Rob

    John Horner Guest

    Not neccessarily. Cruise control increases the throttle opening for any
    slight incline. Practiced fuel economy drivers will let a little speed
    bleed of on modest uphill inclines and then let it build back up going
    down the other side.

    For *most* drivers, cruise control can improve fuel economy. However,
    for those rare drivers who have studied the art of fuel economy
    maximization ... ya can do better.

    John Horner, Sep 11, 2005
  10. Rob

    John Horner Guest

    Not neccessarily. Cruise control increases the throttle opening for any
    slight incline. Practiced fuel economy drivers will let a little speed
    bleed of on modest uphill inclines and then let it build back up going
    down the other side.

    For *most* drivers, cruise control can improve fuel economy. However,
    for those rare drivers who have studied the art of fuel economy
    maximization ... ya can do better.

    John Horner, Sep 11, 2005
  11. Rob

    John Horner Guest

    BZZZZT! Yellow flag scam possibilities. Rust is not a reason to
    replace rotors. Insufficient thickness, deep groves and warping are all
    possible reasons for replacement.

    Old story, old scam.

    John Horner, Sep 11, 2005
  12. Rob

    John Horner Guest

    BZZZZT! Yellow flag scam possibilities. Rust is not a reason to
    replace rotors. Insufficient thickness, deep groves and warping are all
    possible reasons for replacement.

    Old story, old scam.

    John Horner, Sep 11, 2005
  13. Exactly what does this entail? And doesn't traffic interfere with your
    careful anticipation? People doing a constant 50 around here are in
    danger of being crushed by Yugos running on one cylinder.
    Sparky Spartacus, Sep 11, 2005
  14. Exactly what does this entail? And doesn't traffic interfere with your
    careful anticipation? People doing a constant 50 around here are in
    danger of being crushed by Yugos running on one cylinder.
    Sparky Spartacus, Sep 11, 2005
  15. Rob

    Pars Guest

    It was probably the A/C and the desert heat that sapped a lot of the power.
    In 4th gear, while climbing mountain (in Hamshire & Vermont) I'm able to
    maintain 105 mph, but that's on a nice cool (65 degree) day with no AC
    equipped. If you're racing up a hill and your speed is under 100mph, 3rd
    would be the preferred gear, instead of 4th. While climbing a particularly
    steep hill in 3rd gear at high speed, frequently I'd have to pass on the
    right (those pick-up drivers have a lot of attitude, especially when there's
    a small car bugging their ass on the left lane).

    30 mpg is about right for aggressive driving situation and slowing the speed
    down to 50 mph would return a huge improvement on fuel consumption (like 40
    mpg or 50mpg on a cool day with fairly level grade).

    Also, after 250,00km of driving, I've yet to see my temperature gage go
    beyond the 2/5 mark. The big engine compartment with lots of free space

    98 Civic Hatch
    Pars, Sep 12, 2005
  16. Rob

    Pars Guest

    It was probably the A/C and the desert heat that sapped a lot of the power.
    In 4th gear, while climbing mountain (in Hamshire & Vermont) I'm able to
    maintain 105 mph, but that's on a nice cool (65 degree) day with no AC
    equipped. If you're racing up a hill and your speed is under 100mph, 3rd
    would be the preferred gear, instead of 4th. While climbing a particularly
    steep hill in 3rd gear at high speed, frequently I'd have to pass on the
    right (those pick-up drivers have a lot of attitude, especially when there's
    a small car bugging their ass on the left lane).

    30 mpg is about right for aggressive driving situation and slowing the speed
    down to 50 mph would return a huge improvement on fuel consumption (like 40
    mpg or 50mpg on a cool day with fairly level grade).

    Also, after 250,00km of driving, I've yet to see my temperature gage go
    beyond the 2/5 mark. The big engine compartment with lots of free space

    98 Civic Hatch
    Pars, Sep 12, 2005
  17. Rob

    JXStern Guest

    Seems a mile or two better!

    JXStern, Sep 13, 2005
  18. Rob

    JXStern Guest

    Seems a mile or two better!

    JXStern, Sep 13, 2005
  19. Rob

    m Guest

    i got 16km per litre last week on the highway in my 99 accord
    m, Sep 16, 2005
  20. Rob

    m Guest

    i got 16km per litre last week on the highway in my 99 accord
    m, Sep 16, 2005
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