2003 Honda Accord CL7 - Remote Key Required

Discussion in 'Accord' started by RuzBub, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. RuzBub

    RuzBub Guest

    I recently purchased a used 2003 Honda Accord but it came only with
    keyless entry option and without a remote key. I am desperately
    looking for someone who can advise me whether a remote key can be
    bought from some dealer. Would appreciate all the help I can get on
    this issue.
    RuzBub, Feb 2, 2007
  2. RuzBub

    L Alpert Guest

    I've used these guys before.....


    You can compare the price/effort needed to use them vs. the dealer cost.
    L Alpert, Feb 3, 2007
  3. RuzBub

    Tegger Guest

    You can readily buy new remotes from any Honda dealer. The remote must be
    programmed though.

    There is a "chicken dance" that you can perform to program the new remote
    if you want to do it yourself and save any programming charge you may be
    faced with.
    Tegger, Feb 3, 2007
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