2003 Honda Accord EX Sedan 4 cyl. 1,000 mile report

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Duran, Sep 10, 2003.

  1. Duran

    Duran Guest

    Well, I have now owned and operated my 2003 Honda Accord 4cyl. EX for a week
    and a half and 1,000 miles (a lot of miles for under 2 weeks, I know...lol).

    Here are my impressions so far. I would love to hear what other '03 Accord
    4cyl owners have to say as well.


    - I love the drive, handling and overall feel of this car.
    - I have filled up my gas tank twice with a MPG rating of 32.5 and 29
    respectively. I used the AC quite a bit more after the second fill-up due
    to the Oklahoma heat.
    - This is minor, but I love the fact that they keyless entry is built into
    the key itself. I HATE adding more things to my keychain. 1 car key and 1
    house key along with a tiny keychain holder is all I want...thanks Honda!
    - The 4cyl. is a great engine with more than enough power for most normal
    driving needs.
    - The dash controls, in my opinion, are positioned perfectly. This is a BIG
    improvement over my old '92 LX accord where whenever I needed to adjust
    anything I had to physically lean forward, not comfortable at all for long
    - (As noted below), I have only found 3 CON's with this car so far.
    - About a thousand other minor things that add up to make a truly amazing


    - I wish the steering wheel controls would light up. Even though I now
    memorize where they all are, I have to feel them all on that one side to
    make sure that my thumb is on the correct one. Maybe I will get more used
    to hitting them right on as I drive the car more.
    - This is minor: I wish the doors locked themselves after taking the car
    out of park or something.
    - The front center cupholders are awkward to use. Thank goodness I don't
    drink much in the car. The front center cup holder (as opposed to the rear
    one) is OK to access, but that rear one requires me (with my seat positioned
    the way I like it) to fold my arm around awkwardly to get the drink out.
    When using the front center REARmost cupholder while driving, I find it more
    comfortable to use my left arm to get the drink out.


    Is it just me, or does there seem to be a "Love / Hate" thing going on with
    the look of the new Accords. Some people tell me they love it, some people
    tell me they hate it and think it's ugly. I - of course - love the look of
    the sedan as I purchased it.
    Duran, Sep 10, 2003
  2. Duran

    Guest Guest

    Well, I have now owned and operated my 2003 Honda Accord 4cyl. EX for a week

    I have the V6, but love the car, too. I agree about not getting locked
    in. My old car did that, and I got spoiled. Sure, it's not hard to lock
    the doors, but it almost feels like being tucked in when the car does it
    for you. Not a big deal, but I wish it did that. And I agree about the
    steering wheel controls not lighting, too. A friend has a new VW - that
    thing has so many lights, you expect an air traffic controller to come
    with the car.

    As for some liking the Honda styling, some hating it - I think if you
    get two people together, you end up with three opinions, no matter what
    they are discussing.

    Enjoy your car - I'm envious of the gas mileage, but with 400 miles on
    mine, I got 26 mpg with mostly city driving, and the AC on the whole
    time. That isn't too bad, I think.
    Guest, Sep 10, 2003
  3. Duran

    Paul Stuart Guest

    Hey, congrats on your purchase of your 03 Accord!

    I purchased my 03 Accord EX 4-cyl sedan in mid-February. Now have about
    7,000 miles on the car and still smiling all the way!
    I agree with you totally! I love the steering feel -- it's just right
    for me. While driving on a straight 4-lane highway with no traffic in
    either direction (very early in the morning on a weekend), I take both
    hands off the wheel and the Accord still shoots straight ahead like an
    arrow focusing on the bulls-eye! The steering keeps the car fully
    centered in its lane for about a distance of one mile before I need to
    adjust the positioning slightly. Impressive, but perhaps this tells me
    that the tires and alignment are perfectly set, and nothing more.

    The power assist is just the right amount too.
    My car care software shows that I have filled up 23 times during the
    course of 7 months of ownership, adding an average of 12 to 13 gallons
    to the tank each time. My MPG has stayed constant around 30, with a
    low value of about 20 when I was carrying two tires and wheels in my
    trunk (added weight). I drive the car virtually every day though.
    I agree wholeheartedly. This is actually my first car with keyless
    entry, never had it before! I love the idea of pushing a button and
    remotely unlocking the door, which is something I can appreciate after
    years of using the actual key-in-the-lock process. Sort of reminds me,
    if my memory serves me correctly, of the space-age features described
    on the Buick Questor prototype featured in the September 1, 1982 television
    episode of Motorweek.
    Agreed. I did not want the V6 because I feel that using less gasoline
    would help me contribute to a cleaner environment for the future.
    I also love the just-right position of the automatic shifter, since my
    right palm naturally comes to rest on the shifter itself. I love the
    idea of the 5-speed automatic -- providing more power and better fuel
    economy too.

    How about admiring that gorgeous dash with the wood trim, and the
    ideal audio and climate controls? It's certainly one of the most handsome
    dashboards I've seen, day or night, and love the LEDs on the instrument
    cluster in front of the driver.

    The 2003 Accord dash makes the Camry's one look like it was designed
    by a third grader in the 1960s.
    I can see your point. My wish, if they would remain unlit, is for
    at least the Cruise On-off switch to be an "elevated" button with respect
    to the steering wheel, so it can be operated by feel. Many times, I have
    tried to find this on-off switch at night, but am frustrated because the
    switch is flush with the steering wheel -- it's not "raised"!
    At least the car greets you with a simple chime every time you unlock
    and open the driver's door! Sort of the Accord saying hello to you.
    I have a very strict rule in my car: no eating, no drinking, no smoking.
    Leftovers being taken home from nearby restaurants must be placed in the
    trunk cargo tray. My light-colored (tan cloth) interior mandates this!
    I do wish that the cupholder area had a birds-eye wood cover to mask
    the cupholders from view. Anyone know if the JDM Accord has this cover?

    What about the relatively poor visibility to the rear? Anyone encounter
    this problem? The side mirrors are definitely helpful, larger than those
    in the 2003 Camry.
    I love the styling. Looks like I am piloting a NASA space shuttle!

    Hint: my car is white!! My first Honda too.

    Paul Stuart, Sep 11, 2003
  4. Duran

    Chris Garcia Guest

    (Paul Stuart) decided to join the conversation on 10
    Sep 2003 with message
    ... what car care software do you use? where can i find it?

    i wrote an excel spreadsheet that estimates my current mileage (based on
    what i enter as annual mileage, "current" mileage, and the "as of" date on
    that "current" mileage) and i can put in things that need to be done at
    certain mileages .. like oil change, air filter, etc.. and it tells me how
    many miles and an estimate on how many days that mileage will take me to
    get to.


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    of the Star Wars Universe!
    Chris Garcia, Sep 11, 2003
  5. Duran

    Duran Guest

    Glad to hear you are happy with your Accord as well!!
    I have only taken bottled water into the car so far (hopefully it stays that
    way too!). As for the cupholders, the center ones in the front make a great
    spot for a cell phone!
    Do you mean poor visibility out of the rear window, or poor visibility (IE
    blind spots) out of the side mirrors? Overall, I find that rear visibility
    is great, but maybe this is because most of my driving experience was in a
    '92 Accord with worse visibility - in my opinion. On both Accords ('92,
    '03), backing up takes some getting used to (especially in parking spots)
    because you cannot tell where the car ends out of the rear window (you can't
    even see any portion of the vehicle out of the rear window). This was the
    same case in my '92 and it took me quite a well to back up confidently. I
    have heard many people complain about blind spots with smaller side mirrors
    but I don't have any. I angle my side mirrors WELL out to get rid of this
    (IE, I can't see any portion of the vehicle in my side mirrors). This is
    actually a STRICT test that any car I purchase must pass: I must be able to
    angle my side mirrors out enough to eliminate blind spots. Some new cars
    have the side mirrors designed so that the mirror is inside the plastic
    casing about an inch or so. This setup does not allow me to angle my
    mirrors properly.

    Great to hear that you are a first time Honda owner. Welcome aboard!
    Duran, Sep 11, 2003
  6. Duran

    Paul Stuart Guest

    I can see your point about the bottled water, Duran. When it spills,
    there is virtually no stain at all, but as for me, I can bring bottled
    water into the car but no drinking it for me. At least that is the
    way I feel about piloting this space shuttle, since I want to devote
    full attention to driving and not be distracted, as I so easily am
    with drinking or talking on a cell phone.

    I agree that the non-used cup holders in the 2003 Accord are perfect
    for a cell phone. But hopefully you hide the phone within the covered
    console tray (behind the cupholders) when you park and leave the car
    during the day, so no one looks inside and sees an advantage to steal
    a cell phone left in plain view.

    I was referring to the poor visibility out of the rear window itself.
    As you mentioned, there is no portion of the car visible out of the rear
    window, so it takes some practice learning to mentally note where the
    rear bumper is when parking, especially when parking tail-first into
    a spot.

    I have purchased the Honda day/night mirror and I find it genuinely
    useful at night. The mirror turns either greenish or bluish (it dims)
    when the sensors detect excessive light from headlights behind you!
    There is no need to adjust the mirror at all -- I simply think that
    it was the most useful Honda accessory I've had installed in the car.

    I totally agree with you about angling the side mirrors so that no part
    of the car is visible through them.

    Thank you, Duran! Looks like I am a new member of the Honda family!

    Paul Stuart, Sep 11, 2003
  7. Duran

    Paul Stuart Guest

    Hello, Chris!

    You may want to visit http://www.carcaresoftware.com/

    That is where I purchased my software from. Keeps track of fuel fill-ups,
    mileage (like your Excel spreadsheet), graphs of fuel economy, payments on
    the car (gasoline, insurance, maintenance), and others for one or more cars.
    Has a place where you can enter information about the car itself, including
    financing and insurance info.

    The site even has a 30-day free trial download, which I have used to test
    the software before making the good decision to purchase it!

    Hope this is helpful to you!

    Paul Stuart, Sep 11, 2003
  8. I purchased my 03 Accord last September and after dealing with a few
    problems I am very happy with the car. I drive it almost every day to work,
    about 125 miles round trip, and have over 21K miles with an average fuel
    mileage of 29.0. I just recently installed an Eibach Pro kit and a front
    strut tower support from Neuspeed. These two items improved the handling
    considerably. The ride is a little stiffer, but it is a ride I prefer. I
    plan on installing front and rear sway bars and a set of wheels and
    performance tires soon. The addition of these items should make my ride to
    and from work a little more enjoyable. This is my 6th Honda and I think it
    is the best one yet.
    Jerry Belluomini, Sep 11, 2003
  9. Duran

    darren Guest

    Yea I know what you mean... Bit of a bummer if you accidentally spill your
    Budweiser light all over your drivers seat leather... what a nightmare that
    would be getting that stain out!!!

    .... But I heard that Meguiars does an amazing job in fixing that!
    darren, Sep 11, 2003
  10. Duran

    Chris Garcia Guest

    (Paul Stuart) decided to join the conversation on
    11 Sep 2003 with message
    Wow, looks nice... Very complex and detailed... Thanks


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    http://starwars.chrisgarcia.com/ <- Centerpoint Station, the "ghost-
    town" of the Star Wars Universe!
    Chris Garcia, Sep 11, 2003
  11. Duran

    HdT Guest


    I too am a new Honda owner. Bought a 2003 Accord LX approx. two weeks
    back...700 miles on it so far, and absolutely loving it.

    I have to agree with the others about the lighting on the steering controls.
    The cruise controls are sort of hard to find at night...but maybe I'll get
    used to it. My car has a 5-spd manual, and as suggested by the manual, I
    have been trying hard not to accelarate too quickly or stress the engine so
    that it has a chance to break in. I guess I'm waiting for the 1k mile mark
    to really start using the engine's accelaration.

    I love the console controls, and actually like the sliding armrest as well.
    I find I can rest my arm perfectly on it. Others have complained about it
    sliding back and forth, but I really haven't faced that problem.

    My previous car was a 94 Mazda with everything manual...so all the power
    features in the Honda are very nice for me.

    Filled gas twice, and got an average of 30mpg (mostly highway), and 26mpg
    (mostly city).

    My car is black with the ivory (or tan) interior. Any suggestions on how to
    clean the cloth interior (for my future reference). Also, how often would
    you'll recommend washing / waxing the car? Its my first NEW car...and I'm
    glad I picked Honda.

    HdT, Sep 12, 2003
  12. Duran

    dizzy Guest

    Eww. I hate that. If I want the doors locked I'll lock them myself,
    thank you.
    dizzy, Sep 12, 2003
  13. Duran

    TL Guest

    Most cars that do that can be programmed either way. My Passat locks
    the doors at about 10 mph, but it can be programmed otherwise.
    TL, Sep 12, 2003
  14. Duran

    TL Guest

    If you're like me, you'll quickly adjust to knowing where those
    buttons are located. I thought I'd want the lights too, but I've found
    it pretty easy. When you think about it, the point of the steering
    wheel controls is that you don't have to look away or take your hands
    off the wheel. At least so it seems to me.
    TL, Sep 12, 2003
  15. Duran

    TL Guest

    I just posted, but now I reread LX rather than EX. I thought the
    steering wheel controls were only on the EX.
    TL, Sep 12, 2003
  16. Duran

    Duran Guest

    But the LX comes standard with cruise control - at least according to my
    2003 Accord sedan brochure that I just double checked. I haven't actually
    seen it though but I would figure it would make sense to place the cruise
    controls in the same place on both the LX and EX since they both come with
    it standard. Maybe the LX only has controls on the right side of the
    steering wheel? (I don't think the LX has volume controls, etc on the
    Duran, Sep 12, 2003
  17. Duran

    Duran Guest

    I was referring to the poor visibility out of the rear window itself.
    Yes, I'm still not used to backing up my 03 Accord. I was somewhat shocked
    that I couldn't see the hood out of the front window either, but this was
    much easier to get used to. I was actually considering a rear wing on my
    sedan to help with backing up but figured it was a way over-priced backing
    up aid. I personally don't like the way the accord sedan looks with a rear
    wing, it takes away from the "smoothness" of the cars design.
    I was looking for comments on this accessory. I was considering purchasing
    it myself. Since I just got my windows tinted I don't think I will need it
    anymore but I was seriously considering it beforehand. The only accessory I
    have purchased so far from Honda is the $99 trunk tray. I think this one
    will be money well spent over time. I have also purchased aftermarket
    all-season thick rubber floor mats.
    hmmm, interesting. Everyone else that notices my side mirrors "sticking out
    too much" thinks I'm crazy - but the fact is I consider it much safer.
    Duran, Sep 12, 2003
  18. Duran

    Bo Williams Guest

    I sold my '00 Accord two months ago when I bought an '02 F-150
    SuperCrew, which has the automatic locking doors. It took me a few days
    to get used to it, but I really like it now. I like the security with
    my little man in the back seat.

    If I ever change my mind, it's defeatable.
    Bo Williams, Sep 12, 2003
  19. Duran

    twaugh5 Guest

    No surprise here. Hondas just drive nicely. I feel the same about my
    twaugh5, Sep 13, 2003
  20. Duran

    Adam Clarke Guest

    The only thing I have found that I don't like about my dx sedan is that the
    drivers door will not open from the inside if it is locked..
    Adam Clarke, Sep 13, 2003
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