2003 Honda Civic maintenance schedule

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Steve Mackie, Feb 11, 2004.

  1. Steve Mackie

    Steve Mackie Guest

    What is the proper oil change interval for an '03 Civic. The owners manual
    and dealership have to different opinions. The manual says 20,000kms or 12
    months, the dealer says 8,000kms or 4 months. Is the dealership just tring
    to take my friend for a ride by discounting what the owner's manual says?

    Steve Mackie, Feb 11, 2004
  2. Steve Mackie

    Adam Clarke Guest

    In Canada you follow the severe duty schedule, 6 months or 8,000 km
    whichever comes first. The 4 month interval that the dealership is
    recommending is just so they can make more money. As long as you follow
    6/8,000 you will NOT void your warrenty.
    Adam Clarke, Feb 11, 2004
  3. Steve Mackie

    Pailyn Guest

    If dealers and oil change business can get away welling the idea of changing
    your oil every month or every 1,000 mile they'll do it.

    Just follow your normal or severe schedule, whichever fits your situation
    Pailyn, Feb 11, 2004
  4. Steve Mackie

    T. Nelson Guest

    The local Honda dealership recommends that people change the oil every
    3000 miles. If you plan to keep the car for many many years, I suggest
    that you change the oil every 3000 miles. If you plan to trade it in in
    the near future, change it every 8,000 miles.
    T. Nelson, Feb 12, 2004
  5. Steve Mackie

    Bob Burns Guest

    Yes! Follow the manual; Honda engineers know what they are doing.
    Bob Burns, Feb 14, 2004
  6. Steve Mackie

    T. Nelson Guest

    Yes, I agree that the Honda engineers know what they are doing. Those
    engineers know that a Honda engine will last much longer if the oil is
    changed every 3000 miles. They recommend 8000 mile changes so your engine
    won't last as long and therefore they can sell more cars. I heard of one
    other car company that recommends 10,000 mile oil changes for these same
    reasons. Another company recommends a tune-up at 50,000 miles. Those
    companies have one goal in mind--to sell more cars. My goal is to buy a
    Honda car and make it last at least 10 years without any major engine
    work. That's why I change the oil at 3,000 miles.
    T. Nelson, Feb 14, 2004
  7. Steve Mackie

    Bob Burns Guest

    REspectfully, disagree. Our '90 Accord lasted 270K miles and just died, our
    '94 Integra is at 165K mile and running strong on factory recomended oil
    changes. And my '86 CRX was at about 150K in '94 whaen I traded it in on
    the Integra.
    Bob Burns, Feb 15, 2004
  8. Steve Mackie

    L Alpert Guest

    The manufacturing methodologies have improved vastly over the years since
    the recommended 2K-3K oil changes. Tolerances are tighter, measurements are
    more accurate, methods of machining are more precise then ever (and will
    become even more precise).
    L Alpert, Feb 15, 2004
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