2003 V6 EXL Accord rub sensation/noise felt in gas pedal at 10mph

Discussion in 'Accord' started by peteluv13, Jan 10, 2004.

  1. peteluv13

    peteluv13 Guest

    I'm a newbie to Honda and their cars. Meaning I've
    never owned one before, so I'm not sure if the issue
    I'm having is something normal or not. The problem
    is that from a cold start I feel a rub sensation/noise
    in the gas pedal once I hit 10mph. The strange part about
    it is that I only feel this rub sensation when the
    wheel is turned to the right. I use to and sometimes
    still do feel it when I turn the wheel to the left.
    However, I never feel it when I go straight. For the most
    part, everytime I turn to the right I feel it. If I
    immediately stop and try to make it happen again,
    it won't. That's why I say only form a cold start
    I feel this happen.

    Let me give you an example of what I mean. From a cold
    start, lets say I'm pulling out of a parking space and
    cut the wheel to the right to exit. Now the wheel does
    not have to be turned all the way to feel it. It happens
    at any degree when the wheel is turned to the right.
    Once I hit the 10mph marker on the odometer, well more
    like 9mph going into 10mph, I feel this rub sensation/noise
    in the gas pedal.

    I don't know what this is and it driving me nuts. So much so
    that my fiance is telling me to shut up and do somethinig
    about it. She doesn't want to hear it anymore. She thought
    that I was going crazy. I wish you could ahev seen the look
    on her face the first few times I talked about it.
    Now she never drives the car because she works in the city
    and takes the train. But, one weekend she needed to take the
    car for the day. Later on that night she tells me that she
    felt the rub sensation/nosie. So she says to me that I gotta
    get this to the dealer. There's something definitely wrong
    with it.

    Now in the first two weeks of owning the car, I
    called the dealer and complained about the noise. They tell
    me to bring it in and have the service department look at it.
    So I make an appointment, at this point the car only had 2700
    miles on it. It currently has 4150 on it. Anyway, I tell
    the dealer exactly what they needed to do to reproduce the
    problem. Now the tech that sat it my car and listened to me
    rant about this problem seemed like he understood what I
    was talking about. Well I get the car the next day and they
    tell me they couldn't fix the problem. It was not reproducable
    they said. After being bent out of shape for a little bit, I
    spoke to the manager of the service department. He gave me the
    same looks that my fiance use to give me as I was explaining the
    problem. We then get in my car to try and reproduce the noise.
    He gets in and start zipping all around the side roads around the
    dealership. He never listened to me that, it only happens from a
    cold start. So basically if you don't feel it you need to stop
    and try again. Well he does starts to do this in the parking lot
    of the dealership. Not once did he shut off the car and wait for
    it to cool down. So that he could be doing it from a cold start.
    We then park the car and go back inside. He basically told me
    that if they reproduce the noise, they can't fix it. That kind
    of pissed me off, but I guess he's right. But here's the funny
    part about this. I get back in the car to leave and go back home,
    anger and frustrated. I pulled out of the space and the car made
    made that friggin noise again. well that just pissed me off, again.
    So I go back inside to tell the manager. I tell him that it just
    made the noise. I tell him look listen, everyday I leave my parking
    space at work I can make this rub sensation/noise happen. He goes
    and tells me that if they have to come to my job to see it happen,
    they will. Well that never happened because the timing wasn't right.
    Setting something like this up during the work week is just too
    crazy for me. I have to much happening after work between going to
    night school and other things. So I never set that up, which is
    my own fault I guess.

    (Am I boring you yet?)

    So the car final came up for it 3750 miles oil change. I called to
    set this up. They were so booked that I could not get my car to
    them until tonight. This is why the odometer is at 4150, as I
    stated earlier and not 3750. Anyway I spoke to the manager of the
    service department once again tonight about this problem. I told
    him that this thing is still a problem and it needs to be addressed.
    He then started pulling out diagrams of the ABS system. Telling me
    that he thinks it may be the ABS engaging that I feel. He says that
    the old Preludes use to do something similar. Now I don't know if this
    is true because I've never owned one before. Let alone
    even a Honda in general. He says this because I only seem to
    feel this from a cold start. So my question to the group is, is there
    anyone out there that's having or has had this problem? I need to go
    to them with something strong and hard. I checked Honda's site for
    any such issues and have found none. I also searched on Google, that's
    how I found this newsgroup. If anyone out there can help, I'd
    appreciate it. Thanks so much for listen to my super long story.

    peteluv13, Jan 10, 2004
  2. In the morning when driving off, I sometimes feel a "rubbing sensation" at
    around the speeds you're talking about, but only once. Someone posted
    recently that it's the ABS adjusting itself, and is normal. Check on Google

    Chris Aseltine, Jan 10, 2004
  3. peteluv13

    E. Meyer Guest

    Your description sounds like the ABS self-test. My '96 Odyssey did it.
    Nothing to worry about.
    It can be incredibly difficult to get a dealer (any dealer) to actually
    address the problem you bring to them, and I can certainly understand the
    frustration, but in this case I think you are obsessing over nothing.
    E. Meyer, Jan 10, 2004
  4. peteluv13

    peteluv13 Guest


    Thanks for the reply. I'm happy to hear that this is a normal
    thing for Honda. I was wondering if you could tell me what
    Google groups to search for? Thanks.

    peteluv13, Jan 11, 2004
  5. peteluv13

    peteluv13 Guest

    E. Meyer,

    Thanks for the reply. I'm happy to hear that this is a normal
    thing for Honda. It's hard not not obsess over something
    you're not use to. Now that I know it's normal, I've gotten
    over it. Thanks.

    peteluv13, Jan 11, 2004
  6. I can't find the post I was referring to, but I'm pretty sure it's just the
    ABS or maybe just the brakes adjusting themselves.
    Chris Aseltine, Jan 11, 2004
  7. peteluv13

    peteluv13 Guest


    No big deal anyway. I feel better now regardless.
    Thanks again for the help.

    peteluv13, Jan 12, 2004
  8. peteluv13

    PlaneDoc Guest


    I feel/ hear the same thing in my 03 v6 Accord. At first it was only
    after the car has set for several hours. Now it will do it even if the
    car has set for only a few minutes. The dealer WAS able to duplicate
    the problem, on my car, and others on the new car lot. However, they
    don't know what is causing it; they claimed they would check with
    Honda engineering and get back to me. I have not heard from them in
    over 2 months.

    They DID speculate that it is the "hydraulic engine mount adjusting
    itself". I'm unable to verify the existance of a hydraulic engine
    mount. I have heard others speculate that it is related to the ABS
    system; perhaps the hydraulic reservoir getting pumped up to proper

    I'd sure like to hear some "official" word on this issue, since it's
    really not limited in scope.

    Does anyone know where to get a phone number for Honda engineering
    support? I did call a Honda 800 number, but got no where fast!

    PlaneDoc, Jan 14, 2004
  9. peteluv13

    peteluv13 Guest

    You should ask your dealer to show you the book that has diagrams of
    the ABS system. The diagram is really for the V4. However the dealer
    showed me where the tank sat, which is on the right side. Hence the
    reason why I was feeling the sensation when I mostly turned to the

    I also have not found any "official" word of this problem. However
    posting the question to the group eased my mind knowing that the
    sensation is normal. I laid it to rest in my head. I don't like the
    sensation. I wish it would go away, but it won't. Minus that, the car
    is great. I love it. It drives like a dream in the snow, believe it or

    peteluv13, Jan 20, 2004
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